Chapter 12

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Elsewhere in the palace building, Lief was running as fast as his legs could take take him. He climbed rigid rocks in his path, nothing was able to slow him down. I will find you Dain. I've got to get the belt back, no matter what!
It wasn't before long, he reached a doorway, with some stairs leading down. He looked high and low, in search of Dain. Then his eyes caught Dain walking up on a set of stairs, between two towers.
" I've got you know, Dain." Then, from the distance, he saw May appear behind Dain. Her moves quick and sly, she attacked him with brute force, making Dain stay in the defensive. He watched as her lips moved in a desperate cry, while Dain muttered in her ear. She stopped. Dain took the chance to kick her in the stomach and she tumbled down. Life gritted his teeth, then ran through the doorway, in their direction. I'm coming, May. By he time, he caught up, they two had already went back to fighting. Life was out of breath and waited a moment to stabilize himself.
''Dain!'' This caught both their attention, and their movements stopped.
'''Well...Well...Well... Look who came to watch the show,'' mused Dain.'' You still don't know when to give up.'' He smirked, as he attacked May, who let down her guard, and landed a crucial gash on her left side. She fell, tumbling to the ground, gasping for air.
'' May!'' cried Lief. He gave Dain his most threatening face.'' You will pay for this, Dain!''
'' Hmp, looks like you want me to finish you off," Dain said, putting his hands on his hips.'' Don't worry, it will be my pleasure,'' and with that, he threw the belt away. Lief ran towards Dain with his sword in hand, ready to end it.
He aimed for both his arms and landed them both successfully. To his surprise, they began to dissolve into inhuman arms of steel. Dain laughed.
'' You still don't get it, I'm not like other Ols! I have special talents and that's why you have no chance!'' He lunged for Lief, which made him fall back a step. Frustrated, he stuck his upper back, but it was no use. It had no effect.
May watched, her side throbbing with pain. She couldn't move the way she wanted to, at this rate she could faint from blood loss. She tried to speak out, but her words jumbled from the blood pouring out her mouth. Lief stopped and took a moment to focus on May. His heart filled with sadness. Dain charged for him and grinned lopsidedly.
" When you are fighting me, I strongly advise not to look away!" Lief stumbled back, while Dain took a minute to admire his steel body.
" Thanks. Your doing me a favour. Every time you cut me I get stronger... You fools!"
He charge for Lief again and they continued to fight vigorously. May didn't know what to do anymore, rationally was out of the question. And she began to move limply towards the two at a slow pace, dagger in hand.
Lief was mostly dodging hits, when his body grew tired. I can't beat him like this. I got to come up with a different way. He took a minute to catch his breath. I need to aim for... the heart, Dain's heart! The mark of the Shadow Lord! That's their weak point! It's usually on the right side, that's where I need to stab him! He concentrated on his sword and stabbed Dain with a clean cut through the other side. He smiled at his completion, 'til a loud, high-pitch scream that filled the air. Lief, anxiously, tilted to the side to reveal May with her hands ready to strike Dain from behind, then stopped mid-way. She looked down at the sword stuck in her stomach and descended to the floor, coughing up blood. Dain laughed, hysterically.
" Now look at what you've done. I don't think I would forgive anyone who that to me. Hehe. I also I hate to break this to you, but you didn't get me. Let me guess you where aiming for my heart?" Lief was stunned to respond, the guilt had overwhelmed him to do anything. Dain sneered.
" Thanks to you, I've got a shield over my vulnerable spot." Lief regained his conscience back and he snapped. He charged at Dain, aiming for his heart. His blows, though, didn't make its marks, always bouncing the shield that now covered it. He tried multiple times, but it was not use.
" It's no use..." He said, staggering a little. Dain grinned, kicking Lief in the stomach. He flew back and slipped from one of the sides, barely holding on with one hand. Dain walked over and laughed. Lief struggled, gripping on for his life from the 100 metre drop. He prompt a leg for support, when he looked up to see Dain's face
to Lief, and laughed. Lief grabbed on with all his might, trying not to fall the hundred metres below. Lief used his leg, to support him, as he struggled to lift himself up. He looked up, to see Dain's face. His face more humane, he couldn't tell.
" Are you alright, Lief? You look like you're in pain..." He whispered in a soft voice. Lief looked dumbfounded at his actions. May tried to call out again, but ending up causing more blood to pour out. His wounds tearing open.
" Here, let me help you," said Dain, reaching out for Lief." Here hold on to this."
" But.. who.. are you?" Lief looked confused, which one was the real Dain?
" Quick, we don't have much time," Dain said, in a low, soft voice. Lief then smiled. "Ah!... You're back..!" He hesitated, before reaching for Dain's hand. In a quick second, Dain pulled his hand back, making Lief stumbled a little. He continued to watch Lief endeavor.
" You know, you're very gullible. Unfortunately, this is the real me." He exclaimed, pointing to himself in a harsh voice. Lief's face turned glum." The thing I've always hate about you was your self-righteous. You're so proud in your sense of justice!" And he got his foot, and stomped on Lief'ss hand. Lief yelped, and cried out loud. May cried to herself and yelled in a weak voice.
" Stop it. Just stop it..." Dain snickered.
" How does that feel? Are you in pain?" Lief cried out in agony." Ha! Maybe if you beg for forgiveness, maybe I might just let you go." He continued to squirm.
" I can't hear you!" yelled Dain, pulling Lief up and then tossing him further down the stairs." Come on, beg for it. ' Please master please forgive me'. Just like that, and maybe I might spare your miserable life." Lief stood up weakly, staggering as he went.
" You can forget it, I'm not begging for anything," he proclaimed." And you're going to give me the belt right now!" Dain snickered.
" Now come, come. Didn't your mother tell you it's polite to say please?!" His arms grew in length and he began to thrash at Lief at high speed, laughing crazy like while doing so. Life stood in the defensive, dodging to the best of his ability. That's when he realized he needed his sword, and fast. He reached for his sword, but Dain bet him to it and kicked it into the air, landing near May.
" Oh no, what are you going to do now? What are you going to do without your fancy sword!" Dain kicked Lief brutally and he held his stomach, tumbling to the floor. Dain grinning a malicious smile, keen to pound Lief. A fit bomb stopped him in his tracks, misguiding him his balance, enough to slip. He gnarled as he looked up at his offender.
" Not a smart move.." Dain said, in a small voice. Fallow, who watched from above, just laughed.
" Oh, but you must understand. I can't just let you take all the credit for this victory. I'll take it from here."
" I don't think so, miserable old man. The master has told me, how utterly worthless he thinks you are. It's time to step beside,"Dain said, unhappily. " You failed over and over-" Lief heed no attention from their hypercritical exploits, and looking over in May's direction. Her breathing was ragged and she held her injured tightly. She met with his eyes, then turned to the belt. Lief looked at the belt and realized her intentions. It wasn't so far, he could reach for it, while Dain was distracted. He leaped, grabbing the belt as he rolled on past. Dain let out a surprised screech, when Lief put on the the belt across his waist. He gasped, frantically waving his arms around, to rid the belt off him. May laid back, a small smile creeping onto her face, knowing it was all going to be over soon, when-
" Take the belt off him!"

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