Chapter 4

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In the corridors of the palace the quadrants followed procedure, pasting grey guards then running through more corridors. Then up the stairs, into the storage area. There Lief stopped.
" The prison is down these stairs," he said, pointing down at the stairs, that continued to follow down into the darkness. They all nodded, and walked down the staircase. Down below, they met with a path leading to their right. Cautious, before taking a right turn.  Lief took a peek.
" There is two Grey Guards about 30 metres away. I don't think we can do a sneak attack. All we need is a distraction-"
" Let that to me!" said Jasmine, promptly jumping up.
" Try and come back in one piece tho," taunted Kest. Furious, Jasmine took a step forward.
" When will you just- Argh! Just you wait and see!"
" Jasmine, please..." Lief begged, wishing May was here. Jasmine turned to him.
" Don't you get started started with me Lief! I've had enough for her!" she yelled. Running around the corner, towards the restless grey guards, taking one out in one shot with Filli's help.
" Lets go," whispered Barda, and the three of them attacked the remaining one left standing.
" We make a good team together, right?" asked Lief, trying to lighten up the mood. Jasmine scoffed, folding her arms. Barda bent down and grabbed one of the keys.
" Hope this is the right one," muttered Barda as he places the key in the lock. He shuffled it around, until it clicked.
"Perfect." The door opened slowly and the five of them made their way in. Life was fast and he serched in all directions.
" Dain! We're here to rescue you!" He yelled." If you're here, tell us!" In the pitch blackness, they heard small voices.
"It's Lief! It's Lief"
" We're saved!"
" Get us out of here!" Then came more muttering. Jasmine and Lief glanced at each other. Kest laughed.
" Looks like somebody got themselves caught." With a closer inspection, Manus appeared poking his head out to the side.
" Come on. Quickly, get us out of here!" he yelped. Jasmine looked over at the corner.
" Wait! I think I found the trigger!" She put her arm inside a hole on the wall, and pushed the lever down. And all the prison doors were lifted. Kest smirked.
"Impressive." Jasmine ignored her. Manus, Far-deep, Gla-thon and Nanon ran towards them. Manus ran towards Lief.
" Oh Lief! It's so good to see you! It's nice that you came to get us!" said Manus." But how did you know we were here?"
" Hold on! Actually, we came here looking for Dain. But how did you guys end up getting here?" asked Lief, troubled.
" That's a long story, we didn't have trouble getting to the palace. But when we got there. We figured it was a trap and we were surrounded," explained Manus.
" We didn't have a chance against them! There was too many of them," complained Gla-thon.
" Then it's clear," protested Far-deep." We still have the spy among us."
" That's what I don't get! I thought we locked the guy up, before we left!" groaned Manus.
" Maybe Jinks wasn't the only one who was giving messages to the Shadow Lord," suggested Steven.
" There's no other explanation," sighed Barda. "  How could they have known where yo users?"
" Do you know where Doom, Glock and Zee-on are?" asked Jasmine, changing the subject.
" No we don't. If they were caught, they would be here,"replied Manus sadly. Lief hung his head low.
" And ... What about Dain ... And May?" He asked glumly.
" Unfortunately, we haven't see them either. We have no idea where they are," answered Manus.
" For all we know, they might not be here in Del," said Steven rubbing his chin.
"By the way, this isn't the place to talk about this," said Barda."We need get out of this dungeon and quick."
" Maybe we should go back through the tunnel in the cave," suggested Steven.
" Sounds like a plan," agreed Barda. And the nine for them hurried across the palace to re-organize they're plan to proper action.

The nine packed themselves behind the wall, peeking through to check for any grey guards. In their case, here was none.
" Huh? Where are all the grey guards? This place was full of them before," said Lief, shocked. " Where did they all go?"
"Maybe something happened?" suggested Manus. Jasmine searched the courtyard, intensely.
" Look! It's gone really quiet," said Lief quietly. Then something caught her eye. A wooden post. She gasped, her hands trembling at the two prisoners tied up.
" Look! Over there!" She pointed out.
" It can't be!" gasped Lief, shocked.
" Dain!" cried Kest.
" May..." choked Lief.

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