Chapter 13

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" Stop! Take it off him now!" Lief and May turned their heads to the direction of the new voice. It was Kest.
" Lief, you idiot. I said, take it off!" Lief flinched at the harshness of her voice, but didn't move a muscle." If nobody's gonna help me, I might as well do it myself!" She make her way towards Dain at a quick pace, when she felt a thrug on her clothes. She looked down to realize May's presence and saw she wasn't in good shape.
" What are you doing?" She looked frustrated at her intent. Kest looked straight into her eyes.
" I'm going to save a friend," she answered, getting herself out of May's strong grip.
They watched as she tore the belt off Dain and threw it on the floor, making a chinking noise, as it fell on the floor. Kest took her special dagger and pointed it to her wrist.
" Wait, Kest! Stop!" cried May. Kest shook her head.
" Don't you remember? Blood for a life... Two drops to cure poison and five to bring back the dead. I'm going to save him, no matter what," she turned back to Dain. Dain smiled.
" Thank you... Kest..." Kest nodded.
" Anything for a good friend." He grinned, weakly, his face slightly disoriented.
" Do you think... You have any chance... Against... My master?... Even... If you get me... He'll crush you... He will!...You pathetic, little creatures... Aargh!" Dain cried out in pain and Kest quickly slit her wist, dribbling five drops of blood on him. Dain didn't stop eroding away.
" I knew that wouldn't enough..." muttered Kest. She looked through her pockets, then clasped a stone in peculiar. Her Shadow Crystal. She sprung on top of Dain, urged her shadow crystal into his heart and closed her eyes for impact. May and Lief covered their eyes, when a blinding light shone over Kest and Dain. It was when they opened their eyes, they saw an amicable Dain, lying down without any movement. He looked at peace and after some time, the light that surrounded his body disappeared. Kest let out a sigh of relief, before collapsing on top of him. Lief and May looked at each other in amazement. They quickly came to their aid, Lief removed Kest from Dain before they waited patiently. Kest was the first to open her eyes and she got up.
" Good. You're finally awake," said Lief. Kest stared at Dain a cold, hard stare, until his eyes fluttered open. He sat himself up, rubbing his forehead.
" What's going on?" he asked. Kest smiled and hugged him tight.
" It worked! It worked!"
" What worked?"
" My shadow crystal worked!"
" This is confusing. I thought, I was dying..."
" I saved you from dying," said Kest. May snapped out of her daze and frowned.
" Are you on our side or their side?" She glared at Dain intensely. Enough to give him the shivers.
" I'm... On your side. I think. My memories are a bit hazy."
" That's hard to believe, since you are an ol," she stated. She bit her lip, when she felt pain seeping through her body once more.
" Not entirely true. When he woke up, all evil energy dispersed from his body. He was always human at heart, that's why..." Kest glanced over to admin and smiled." I knew you just needed to be saved. Everyone deserves a second chance." Dain smiled back, with slight bob of his head. Lief relieved it was all over and walked over to the belt, and placed it around his waist again.
" You're friends are captured, boy," said Fallow. They looked up to see Fallow, watching from the same place, smirking." If you ever want to see your friends again, you will bring that cursed belt to the throne room." They turned to each other, alarmed. Lief tightened his fists.
" Now, it's time to tell the master, that Dain has betrayed us. He needs to know that no one could substitute knowledge and well-fair," he muttered, smirking to himself, as he walked off into the darkness. No one dared to speak in the intense atmosphere.
" Lief!" Manus appeared from the bottom of the staircase, walking up the stairs, while catching his breath.
" What are you doing here, Manus? I thought all of you were captured?!" said Lief, surprised. The little man took a moment to catch his breath.
"  They didn't get all of us. Just Barda, Jasmine and Doom... But the rest of us were able to escape. We're regrouping. Don't worry Lief, none of us are leaving without them."
" Alright. Then let's go." Lief helped May up, and placed a hand of support, before heading down the stairs.
" Wait!"  They turned to her." They're my friends too. I'm coming with you."
" No, May. You need medical attention right now. Please let me make it up to you." May sighed.
" You may not like it, but... Dian is going to have to earn my trust."
" How so?" May grinned, maliciously.
" He just has to do a simple test."

In the palace prison, Jasmine and Barda sat beside Doom, as he laid in Jasmine's arms. He groaned in agony, instantly grabbing his wound.
" This isn't good. It should be working" said Jasmine, sighing.
" Maybe give him more," suggested Barda. Jasmine took out a greenish-coloured cream and spread it over Doom's wound once more. She continued doing it at a gentle pace. She came closer and whispered in his ear.
" You know, Doom. I misjudged you." Doom opened his eyes, staring at Jasmine's face, his eyes blurred, until his mind saw small, innocent child, with a smile on her face.
" My Jasmine...."
" What is it?" She asked.
" They're coming! You gotta hide."
" Huh?"
" I'll come back for you..."
" What are you talking about?"
" He's delusional," muttered Barda. 
" Remember that no matter what happens to us. You will always be my pretty, little girl..." Doom then drifted off into a deep sleep and Jasmine covered her mouth, in shock.
" Are you?.... It is really you?!"

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