Chapter 13

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Raj called Kabir. Kabir answered the call...

Kabir - Hello?

Raj - Don't give any reaction. Just listen to me carefully.

Kabir - Okay.

Raj - Come to City Hospital right now. Make sure to bring Manik. Nandini got into a car accident. The ambulance is bringing her to the hospital. I and Manish are on our way.

Kabir - What! (shockingly but controlled his reactions) Ahhbb...Okay, sure, Uncle. I will bring all of them there.

Raj - That's on you but make sure to bring Manik and don't tell him anything about this or you know...

Kabir - Yeah, sure. Bye.

Kabir hung up the call and turned to his friends and

Kabir - Guys, come with me. Manik, Dhruv, you two take your cars.

Abhimanyu - But where?

Kabir - I said just come with me. Manik, I will drive your car and Dhruv you follow me.

Dhruv - Okay.

They all went.

Kabir lead the way and they reached Hospital right after the ambulance. Manish and Raj too reached the hospital. Others were shocked that Kabir brought them to the hospital. Kabir took them all inside and met Manish and Raj. Kabir saw Nandini lying unconscious on a stretcher with blood running from her head covering her face and injuries on her leg. Kabir rushed to the stretcher and others followed him. Everyone was shocked to see Nandini in such a situation. Dhruv started crying silently while Manik was stunned. He fainted, Kabir sprayed water on Manik and Manik gained consciousness.

Kabir - (angrily to Manik) This time you have to see, you just can't simply pass out.

Manik - No, no. (out of breath and anxiously) This can't be true.  I must be dreaming. Leave me Kabir. Leave me! (pulling himself from Kabir)

Kabir - QUIET! Stay in place.  You have to see this. (Manik stood but was still breathing fastly, his body became all sweaty, and he became quiet as if in shock)

Manish - (while running his fingers through Nandini's hair) Wake up, my girl. Wake up! Nandini!

Manik - (feeling unconscious and controlling himself held Nandini's hand) I just returned and you are like this. Get up!!!!

Nandini was taken to the operation theatre. Manik was losing consciousness and Kabir was trying to keep him awake. Their friends were surprised at Manik's situation while Dhruv was in shock, not saying a word.

After an hour, Doctors came out.

Raj - Dr Batra, what's the situation?

Dr Batra - Dr Raj, Nandini had lost a lot of blood. Also, her blood type is AB negative. Our blood bank is already short of it. And you know it's really difficult to be found. And we need blood as soon as possible she has some allergies too, from what I observed.

Raj - Yes, she is allergic to cashews and some other nuts. But blood..

Manish - My blood will do.

Raj - But you have diabetes, you can't. My blood type is AB negative but I also have diabetes...

Manik - Mine will do!

Raj - Are you sure Manik? You are already not well and..

Manik - Nandini promised me she will help me overcome this fear of seeing accident victims. If this way, I am ready. Also, If anything happens to her how will I survive especially after knowing I could have saved her? Please, Dad!

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