Chapter 31

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The sound of a phone ringing echoed in Ahluwalia Mansion. Raj's phone was continuously ringing. Raj picked up the call.

Raj - (deep breath) Hello?

Caller - (hastily) Hello? Hello! Dr. Raj. Please rush to the city hospital. It's an emergency. Two agents MK and SAM are in quick need of treatment. They are being brought here. Please be quick. MK's condition is said to be unstable, be quick Doctor!

Raj stood up stunned. His breath getting heavier but was confused about if should be happy or sad.

Raj - Okay. I will be there.

Raj kept the phone in his pocket.

Manik - Dad, what's wrong?

Raj - Manik, Manish, Kabir, come with me. Nandini is being brought to the hospital. I am called for their checkup.

Manik, Manish, Kabir - What!!

Everyone rushed out to the hospital. All were continuously praying for Nandini's welfare. Manik was already sobbing silently.

Finally, they reached the hospital. All rushed inside. The receptionist informed Ambulance has still not arrived but will be here within minutes. Raj changed into his uniform. The instant he came out, the Ambulance came. The staff rushed out with stretchers. MK was brought inside the hospital. Manik saw the most horrible scene ever and rushed to her. He was a crying mess by now looking at Nandini's condition. She was shot 5 times but fortunately, the bullets were either in her arms or legs and not in any critical parts. Her face was filled with blood oozing out of her head. Body full of blood. Her breath was uneven and short like she is having her last breaths.

Manik took Nandini's hand in his and kept caressing it. He hugged her gently.

Manik - W...What have you done yourself? But have to be f...fine. Please! Please!

Manish - (held Nandini's hand) Child, wake up! I promise I will never shout at you again. You are my daughter. How can I break ties with you? Please wake up. Me, your brother we all need you.

Nandini opened her mouth slightly to take a breath followed by her eyes. Her eyes opened to see Manik with a blurry sight. She used up all her strength and pulled smiling and crying Manik towards her with her hand around his nape. The moment their faces were close, Nandini kissed Manik. Both were crying between the kiss. Others were just staring at them with eyes full of adoration. Manik caressed Nandini's hand and head. Nandini pulled back, taking short and deep breaths trying to catch her breath.

Nandini - I w...won! I won Manik. And now..... I will surely win t.....this fight against d.....death and will keep promise and be b.....back to you. But Manik, If..... I am saying if I....I loose to death, please.....

Manik cut off Nandini with a peck on her lips.

Manik - You are my strong girl. Nothing will happen to you.

Nandini smiled slightly, her breath getting heavier and she fainted. Her body stopped all movements even breathing. Manik shook her but no response. Doctors and nurses rushed and Nandini was taken inside. Manik collapsed on the floor, crying continuously as Nandini's condition was coming in front of his eyes again and again.

Raj went for SAM's surgery as he was in quick requirement of surgery while other specialists look after Nandini. James was also taken to OT. Nandini's condition was the most critical one.

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