Chapter 5

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On Sunday,

Navya, Nandini, Mukti and Alia all woke up by eight. They freshen up and had their breakfast.

It was about 10 now. They started to get ready as they were having lunch outside. They all were very happy. Suddenly, Mukti started feeling unwell but didn't say anything to anyone. She directly went to the washroom while placing her hand on her stomach. Nandini noticed and asked Alia if there was something wrong with Mukti. But Alia also didn't know anything.

Mukti came out and was looking very pale. All three girls rushed to her and made her sit on a chair.

Nandini - (concernly) Mukti, are you okay?

Alia - What's wrong Mukti?

Mukti - I think I have diarrhoea.

Navya - What? But we also ate the same thing as you for breakfast. We are fine. Hey, you went out with Abhimanyu yesterday for dinner, what did you two eat?

Mukti - We just went to a restaurant and then ate some fast food at stalls.

Nandini - What? But why didn't you two eat at the restaurant only? I mean you must be full by meal then why did you still go to eat more at stalls? Ah! (with a deep sigh)

Mukti - Ahhh(while holding her stomach)

Nandini - So, now you will not even answer me.

Alia - Nandini, Let's take her to the infirmary first. Then you two can fight.

Navya - But, the college infirmary has a bad repo.

Nandini - Then, let's take her to the nearby hospital.

They took her to the hospital. The doctor checked and Mukti was admitted to the hospital. She was having severe diarrhoea. All the arrangements were made as she has to be there for a whole day. Mukti lay down on the bed and the three girls also sat there. It was a one-bed ward. Mukti fell asleep when her phone rang, it was Abhimanyu. Nandini picked it up.

Abhimanyu - (while pouting cutely he said)Sorry, I am disturbing you at the moment. I know you are out with your dormmates but I am alone at the dorm so I thought I should call you!!

Nandini - (rolling her eyes at his cheesiness) Are you done?

Abhimanyu - (shocked) Oh my god! Mukti! What happened to your voice? huh? Do you have a sore throat? Listen, my mom has a lot of remedies. I will call....

Nandini - Shut up!!!!

Nandini shouted angrily and Abhimanyu jumped in his seat.

Abhimanyu - (stuttering) Who are you? Tell me! Did you kidnap my Mukti?

Nandini - (she turned to Navya, Alia and was giving crazy reactions) What's wrong with this man? (to Abhimanyu) Abhimanyu, it's me, Nandini!!

Abhimanyu - Nandini! Why are you answering? Where's Mukti?

Nandini - We are at the hospital. Mukti is having diarrhoea and is sleeping right now.

Abhimanyu - What? Diarrhoea? Tell me which hospital, I will be there, right now.

Nandini - Wait, you don't need to come. Just tell me are you fine? What did you two eat yesterday that she got like this? You are sounding fine but why she is like this?

Abhimanyu - Aish! This girl! I told her not to eat much, but she didn't listen to me.

Nandini - Eat much? What did she eat?

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