Chapter 29: Welcome to the Family.

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Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy.


"What will it be?" I asked Yuri again, silence following after.

Yuri was quiet as she thought about what she should choose.

" said that there might be a third option. What would that option be?"

Yuri asked, trying to be careful, though I knew she'd ask that so I had an answer prepared.

With a smile, I answered "Become a guinea pig." while raising my ring finger, making it a total of three. "You will not have to sell your soul to me, and you get to live, but you will be my "punching bag" to put it in broad terms."

A bead of sweat dropped down Yuri's head. Become a lab rat? How? There were no good options or science equipment. It seemed to her that the first one was just a mercy in preparation for option 3.

"What would happen, specifically, if I were to choose option 3?"

I smiled again and calmly announced what would await her should she choose it; "You will be repeatedly injured and maimed, but don't worry as I will heal you immediately after so that I get better at healing humans. Inevitably, your mind will break as I will be using you for as long as I can."

I approached Yuri with calm, light steps. Yuri grasped the hilt of her own sword that she had on her waist in fear at my sudden change in personality. My smile grew wider at her reaction, my teeth making an appearance since I found this situation hilarious.

"Of course," I gently whispered with clear audibleness, tracing my hands down Yuri's shoulders almost seductively, "I will stop if you decide to change your choice to option 2. The options are interchangeable, you can pick one at any time."

Then, I booped Yuri on the nose. "Except, option 1 is a final decision. No take backs."

Yuri's left eye twitched when I did that, and it made her angry.

Yuri's face visibly started to get red as she held back her frustration to scream and yell how this was not fair. None of it was fair.

"Now, that was the cons of the options." I playfully said and smiled with a clap of my hands.

"...What?" Yuri said, dumbfounded.

"You heard me, that was the cons. There are benefits, granted I've already mentioned a few."

I began to move my feet, slowly. Yuri's eyes subconsciously looked down to track my movements as I steadily and calmly made my way behind her. Yuri didn't turn her head or her body as I went past her field of view.

Once I was behind her, I gently put my index fingers against her shoulders as if I was gingerly afraid of breaking her like a fragile china doll.

"Option 1 will allow you to have a quick and painless death, free from the sufferings that option 3 would bring." I said to the shuddering Yuri, "In light of our friendship, should you choose option 3, I will be merciful give you a 6-month contract before you can change your option. You can even choose option 1 after that 6-month period should you truly wish for death."

Yuri licked her lips, anxious as to where I was going with this.

I put my middle fingers into her shoulders along side my indexes,

"Option 2 is the easiest, safest, and most reasonable choice." I said, continuing to tell off the pros and cons of each option, "Your body will undergo a metamorphosis, in a way. Your body will most likely change to its peak conditions that your human body would never be able to obtain. You will gain strength that is much more superior than that of a human's. Not only that, but you are an otherworlder, so I personally believe that your potential, should you decide this option, will far outclass even that of Priest here."

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