Chapter 44: I'm Getting..?

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Wow, another chapter within two weeks? What is this, an early Christmas? You bet your ass it is!

Seriously though, I can't thank you guys enough for reading my work. I know the drive for this series I started back in May of 2020 has been left to die on the roadside like an abandoned dog only for me to come back and take it back home several times, but I do sometimes read your comments (Mostly on the recent chapters since I don't want to embarrass myself by looking at how I wrote things when I first started) and it warms my heart seeing you guys enjoy it.

I'm not sure if you guys knew this, but I started writing on Wattpad because I couldn't find anything that interested me in the genres that I was interested in. Those that did capture my interest were quickly read through and I kept unconsciously holding other writers to a higher standard. They needed to match that previous writer's abilities in order for me to enjoy it. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy of interest and disappointment.

Eventually, I had the bright idea of "If I can't read anything good, I'll just make it myself! Like what Thanos said, "Fine, I'll do it myself."" and so I did. It wasn't anything to be proud of. It was a fucking fanfiction of TTIGRAAS I made back when I was at the height of my puberty as a freshman in highschool and was a horny bastard, for fuck's sake.

It's plot went along like this:
And GOING UNCONSCIOUS TO TIMESKIP!😴(I still do this lmao)

And when I got to the point where I now couldn't even look at myself in the eye as I kept writing that, even if I spent 8 fucking hours one day typing away on my fucking xbox one using the internet explorer app, pressing one key at a time after navigating to it with my joycon.

I had to start somewhere new. I had to try something different. My own, original, work free from the timeline of another universe. That was when I started with a small project called "The Power of Words." I have of course abandoned it, but who knows.

Yet, seeing the biased potential in my own writing seeing as how I thought I could decently write my own world and characters, I brainstormed for 2 whole minutes staring at the "Create a Story" button, waving a pencil I had in my hand back and forth and music blasting in my ears.

'The fantasy genre has dragons in it.' I thought to myself, 'I feel like writing about an MC who is a dragon, but all you see on Wattpad are stories mostly about darkness dragons to be all COOL and EDGY, RAAAAAHHHH! So, what is an element I can make a dragon that isn't apart of the usual main 6 commonly seen? Hrmm... Ah, this vocaloid song is nice, this little guy looks like a dragonoid and the song uses words like "Medical..." AH, THAT'S IT! HEALING! A HEALING DRAGON!'

And so, I looked up on Google-sama, "White haired dragon girl" and picked out the image you see on the cover to this day and based the MC off her appearance, as most writers on Wattpad do. I was so excited about my Idea that I have never seen before, one i'd like to believe I'm the first one ever to think of, and wrote 5 chapters within a single day, getting no sleep. There were some highs and lows, but don't think for a second that I ever forget about this story. It is my baby, but a baby I would never show people that know me personally.

I'm talking too long... OH! I also finally was able to get a road-test going and get my CDL! LIFE GOALS!💪🏻 But i'm not 21, so I can't drive over state lines... Welp.

So minus this 700 word long Author's corner, enjoy reading this 5000 (5722) word long chapter. You KNOW I always deliver good, long chapters!

Heh, but as always, here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.


What!? I'm a Healing Dragon!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin