Chapter 8: It's Not Just Me Who Knows.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Also, I would like to give a special thank you to all of you readers for helping this story reach 1k views. Thank you so much.


Though I said I went back to sleep earlier, being unconscious for 3 days really gives you a good rest. I really just kept my eyes closed and only had my thoughts to talk to.

Dad is capable of being saved.

I can breathe a cool kamaehamaeha from my mouth that heals, so I guess that's a plus.

Odin and Aqua are fine, sleeping peacefully.

Mom? Being mom.

Food? Not so sure about.

Sans? Gone till a month since he taught me the breath move.


My prayers? Answered.

My crops? Watered.

My weave? Snatched.

My croissant? Could've dropped.

Hotel? Trivago.



Mom and I laid there, peacefully listening to the wilderness outside and the calm that came with it. It reminded me a lot of when I would visit my old grandparents' house. It was surrounded by trees wherever you looked, birds, bugs, and creatures all living their lives.

It was calming.


When my siblings cried for attention because they are temporarily blind and hungry, our beauty sleep was quickly ended and it was time to get to work.

Mom took care of them while I crawled over to dad to start doing what I can.

Sans had said that the strength of the effect of your breath becomes stronger the higher your rank is. Due to other reasons, my breath is also my most effective way of healing for the amount of mana I spend. If I were to slowly heal him by injecting or letting him rest in my aura, result wise, the breath would be more effective solely due to my rank and my low skill level in expelling mana.

I would use my breath again, but it's impractical for me for two reasons.

One, until I learn to control how much mana I expel when I use it, I will just pass out again from mana exhaustion.

Two, It doesn't give me the opportunity to practice my skill. This is the perfect time to practice effectively healing with my mana.

With those reasons in mind, I walk around dad to inspect his body.

It was in rough shape, that was for sure.

Though my breath attack, with the effectiveness of a Master rank healing aura, healed him somewhat, there were still terrible wounds all over him.

I don't know how or why mom thinks we need just a few more days to heal dad back to full.

There are some spots on his body that are completely fine, free of damage. It's either he was not injured there, or that's where mom focused her attention as she has been healing him. I don't know, it's only conjectures.

... It hurts.

...It hurts to look at dad in this state.

I'm barely holding my tears back, if I can even cry.

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