Chapter 23: Fight For Freedom.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Listen. I will be going on a fishing trip with my dad that will last till next Saturday. There will be no internet or service, so I probably will not write a new chapter while i'm gone. 

Check for the usual. By for now.


"It's the cow lady!" I blurted out my unfiltered thoughts right when I saw the magical cow in front of me.

The cow's face changed, becoming red in an instant in embarrassment at the childish name.

In anger, she smacked her hands against the table, standing from her chair. The tabletop broke at the strength of the hit and fell apart. The sounds of ceramic and silverware breaking and cluttering onto the ground after flying in the air followed soon after.

"You! That's rude! Take that back!" the cow woman shouted at me, completely disregarding the utter mess she caused.

"Why? It's true." While looking at the remains of the teapot that held that delicious tea, the blue liquid pooling away, I didn't have the heart to apologize.

"Just because the Prince likes you, doesn't mean I will take the insults that you spit from your mouth. Take that back, or I will make you."

I put my hands on the back of my head and leaned against my chair, clearly unmoved by her words. "Are you sure you can make me?"

Smiling a little at the prospect of fighting, I calmly kept my cool as I stared back with a hint of smugness. If she really fights me, I may lose, but it will be a good experience fighting in this form.

If I lose, I will have no problem "taking it back". I will have lost fair and square. Hopefully.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked the cow.

"Yuri. Yuri Ainu."

That's oddly Japanese. From what I could remember, I believe Yuri was like the word for a lesbian relationship and Ainu was a goddess of fertility. The two don't go hand in hand.

"As you already know, Miss Ainu, I am Isis. It's been a pleasure."

Standing from my seat, I put my right hand forward for a handshake as I introduced myself.

Yuri didn't take my hand.

"I will shake your hand after you take back what you have said."

"You're oddly adamant about that, aren't you?"

Sighing in disappointment, I looked at the Prince. I just want to leave...

"Your highness, seeing as how the table has been ruined, can I leave?"

Asking for a second time if I could leave, the Prince denied me yet again, "Lady Isis, why don't you two fight? If you win, I'll let you go, if you lose, you continue to stay." But with a possibility of leaving without killing the bastard.

Looking back at Yuri, "Okay then. Miss Ainu, if I lose, I'll take back what I said. If I win, we'll shake hands."

"Deal." Yuri quickly agreed.

The Prince clapped his hands together, his excitement very clear.

"Let's go somewhere where we won't endanger the populace, shall we?" He laughed as he stood up himself, making his way out of the garden.

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