Chapter 15: A Childhood Promise.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Sorry if this chapter is too short, I just found it fitting.


It struck me as odd as to why Priest and I went from the middle of the street to deep inside the forest. It was just like, dirt road, then BAM! Forest.

Ah, it's kind of hard to put in words.

But nonetheless, we carried on. To save Brent from certain death! Though the only sentiment I have towards Brent is his fearless and bold nature where he doesn't care about the danger and rushes in to save his friends.

I appreciate that kind of mentality, granted that it will more than likely get them injured, or worse. Brent being that star example.

Finally making it to Brent's home, Priest knocked on the door.

Thinking of meeting other people made me check on my remaining mana that I could muster for this form.


What the, why does it feel like my mana isn't draining all that much, or not at all?

Sensing my inner thoughts, Priest looked at me.

'Is there something the matter, Lady Isis?' Priest's soul tried to say.

'It's strange, my mana that I use to keep up this form is no longer being supplied by my own reserves.'

I conveyed this to Priest since I didn't want to talk right now, I was too surprised, and I need to figure out why this is happening.

I sent my mana throughout my body, soon finding an anomaly.

There was a soul in my stomach.

Why is there a soul in my stomach?

I felt the soul start to break down, only to be healed by my mana that flowed throughout my body involuntarily.

The bits that broke down merged with my flesh. Almost like a generator, those broken pieces carried immense amounts of mana and gave it to my body to replace the mana I lost keeping this form up.

That's cool and all, but where did I get this soul? It's not mine or Priest's. Who's is it?

While I was thinking these things, someone finally opened to the door to greet the guests.

A man with wolf ears just like Brent's opened the door, his tail and ears sadly drooped.

But when he saw who was at the door, his expression and body parts instantly became brighter and lively.

"M-mr. Priest, sir! Have you come here to save my boy!?" Brent's father hopefully asked us, his tail unable to hide his excitement either.

"Not me, but my daughter. Brent saved her against the demon, so she felt that she owes something to him. Let her see him. I must warn you though, do not be surprised at her ability."

Brent's father just nodded his head up and down, not even bothering to listen to Priest's warnings, he was just too excited that there was a hope for Brent to live.

"This way, Mr. Priest." He said, gesturing us to come in and follow.

Priest scrapped his shoes against the doormat and walked inside, his leather shoes making that satisfying clack against the floorboards as he walked.

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