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Hello, and welcome to my story, however you found it. Have a good read.


Have you ever wished to be a dragon? I have, all the time. Call me whatever you like, but that fantasy creature is what my childhood was basically founded on. Fantasy. Imagination.

I had it easy growing up. Not as easy as the rich people that flaunt their wealth with the latest technology or whatever. Who needs friends that only see you as a "Friends with benefits" anyway? The ones I knew that have told me of their personal lives have all one thing in common. Their parents don't punish them for doing illegal things. But who cares about them? Certainly not me, or their parents.

I am getting off topic...

Anyways, dragons. Dragons. Dragons...

The Elemental breathing flying lizards that usually dominate the worlds food chain in most stories. With scales that are near indestructible, only able to be damaged with the right equipment, unsurpassed speed in flight, breath that does massive damage to those that oppose it, claws so sharp that it cuts through the hardest of metals like they are mere sheets of paper.

The ultimate lifeform.

So why...



"I don't want to go to work..." I said to myself as I stared at my alarm clock blaring it's usual noise. Reluctantly, I tapped the button to shut it up and slowly dragged myself out of bed by slipping onto the ground.

Staring at the ceiling to my one bedroom apartment, I breathed a sigh and hauled myself up. I put on my uniform that is required for my job and headed out.

My apartment building is around 4 stories high, I live at the top floor, so it's a bother to walk up the stairs when I am piss drunk. Ah, damn, my head. I started walking down the stairs a little hungover and started heading to my job at a pizza parlor. Freddy's, I think it is called?

Who cares.

"The city is busy as always." I muttered to no one in particular. "If only I could burn this city to the ground. Then I wouldn't have to go to work..."

Though I said this out loud, no one even bothered to look in my direction at the words that would only come out of a psychopath. I scratched the back of my head and started walking.

"The only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes." I whispered this saying to myself. Death is certain, no matter how long or how you try to avoid it. And those who control you always take things from you.

Glancing into an alley, I see a woman getting raped behind and dumpster.

I ignore what I just saw and kept walking. It's not my problem.

I heard a gunshot in the distance, followed by a police siren. I ignore that too.

It's not my problem.

I see a convenience store up ahead and check my phone, 7:27 a.m. I still got time.

I head inside the store to check out what they have in stock. Do they have any energy drinks? Preferably a Monster...

I head to the fridge like section and check out what they have. I see the brand of energy drink I mentioned earlier, but also an unknown brand I have never heard of before. There is only one can though.

What!? I'm a Healing Dragon!?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя