Chapter 25: Stamp of Approval.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Grammar things, point them out! Thanks.


I went back to our room to change clothes.

Changing my outfit, I changed it into a more adventurous look compared to my normal fancy dress looking one. I need to make a good first impression on the people of the Party that will be setting off to the cave. I don't want to be the butt of a joke.

Hm, I guess this will do.

With how my scales make no room for color scheme aside from purple and white, I figured I would go for a purple chainmail one piece with a white leather making my gauntlets, chest, pants, and boots. Since I come off as a brawler type person, it would only make sense that I wear light armor.

After changing into that, Priest and I make out way into the streets after giving our room key back to the owner and saying goodbye to Elen. Only, I stopped in place due to a realization coming to me.

"Where are we supposed to meet the Prince?" I asked out loud to no one in particular. Turning around to face Priest, he only shrugged his shoulders.

With my hands on my hips, I thought about in my head of the possible meeting sites. There was the Adventurer's Guild, his temporary housing, or the city gates.

I decided to go to the Adventurers' Guild. It was only a few buildings down anyway. Walking to it, I opened the swinging doors and peered inside. The Adventurers inside saw my actions and chuckled.

Nope, not there.

Since he wasn't here let's try his temporary housing.

Flapping my wings and taking off into the sky, I flew to the mansion. I landed at the gates to the building, greeting the City Guards stationed there. They were instantly put on edge because of my sudden appearance so early in the morning, getting their weapons ready.

Seeing that, I raised my hands to my shoulders to show I mean no harm, "Sorry to interrupt your busy guardly duties, but is the Prince here?" and asked if the Prince was here.

"Who are you?" Said on of the guards on the right who didn't let his hand off his weapon.

"Isis. I am sure the Prince has spoken about me?" I was trying to be as gentle and polite as possible. I also had no idea if the Prince had said anything about me. This was a just a zero risk gamble.

The Guards gave me a good look before relaxing his muscles. "I see. Indeed, the Prince has mentioned you. He had stated that if you come here, he will be waiting at the city gate to bid you a farewell after talking for a bit."

Okay, so I was right.

"Thank you, that's all I wanted. Good day gentlemen."

Turning on my heels, I took to the sky again. Priest was waiting in the sky for me and together we made our way to the gate that we came in through yesterday.

Near the gate, I noticed a gathering of many armored figures. Some of them noticed me too and soon everyone was gazing at my descending figure until my feet touched the ground.

Not looking at the people who were looking at me, I peered though the crowd looking for the Prince. After not seeing his figure, I briskly walked to the nearest man.

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