Chapter 30: The Dreaded Day.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

I've never played Fallout: New Vegas, but when Youtube recommended me this, it really spoke out to me. It may or may not show in this chapter.

I present to you this 5,700 worded chapter.

Along with that, I have uploaded two more chapters along with this one in celebration of the 1 year anniversary of this story.

Thank you for reading and following along and I hope your hopes and dreams come true.

Until then, may God be with you.


"Detected the creation of the second True Ancestor Dragonoid. Playing log."

A voice played inside my head that I hadn't heard in a while. It was Auto-san's.

Well, let's see what Sans has to say.

"Hello, little healing dragon! It is I, the voice. Muhuahuahua~!"

With a playful laugh, Sans announced his entry uninvited in my head.

"SO! You have completed the task of creating your second Dragonoid? Congrats! It must have been difficult. If this log is playing, that would mean that the second Ture Ancestor was sexually opposite one compared to the first, and I thank you for that. It makes my job easier."

It seemed Sans was a lazy bag of bones that his name takes after.

"This specific log also plays when you have accomplished this goal before the first Scenario. You are perhaps the luckiest dragon in existence. A=8eah=t72=a s=v=="

"Ending log."

With Auto-san's announcement, the log was cut and left me alone again as a weird glitchy effect took over Sans' voice.

The strangeness of it all made me unconsciously look around.

My eyes shifted from my sleeping family, to the exhausted and similarly sleeping Yuri, and then finally Priest, who was still flexing his new arm while he stood watch outside the cave.

All of these people, these characters, each with their own personalities and uniqueness, are special to me each in their own way.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of danger when the log suddenly ended after Sans' words and made me think about these guys for some reason. It made me want to check to see if they were still there.

A sense of apprehension overwhelmed me.

Priest: One of my first encounters and now contract bound lifelong friend. Though I have not known him for long and there is still a lot that he knows that I don't, I felt that there was something amiss.

A beastly instinct bordering intuition.

"Priest," I called out, extending my claw-like hand, but when I realized, I was surrounded by white.


Before I could understand what was going on, I had suddenly appeared in a plane of white. A white void.

I quickly looked around, seeing nothing but a single blue dot that was seemingly really far away that contrasted with everything I could see.

I stepped toward it. Surely that is where I am supposed to go in this kind of situation.

And that single step brought me right before it.

That blue dot...

Was an actual being.

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