Chapter 7: The Decent of The "Protagonist"?

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Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy. 

Video above made by JubyPhonic, I own nothing.

It's just a song to listen to, i'm not sure if it will match the chapter. 

(Post chapter creation: It doesn't imo.)


The messenger of the Mayor of Volkshire, Mitch, was galloping on his horse headed for the Royal Capital of the country, Teslawarden. The messenger's name is Trent.

Teslawarden has been the capital of this mighty Empire for over 2 millenia. With it's advanced military tactics a head above the rest, it allowed the small country to conquer other countries within just a few years of war to form the large Empire it is today.

Within it's history, they have supported Heroes in their upbringing against major threats that have formed, such as Demon Lords, Calamity class monsters, and Ancient class dragons.

The riches they have due to stolen land and resources as well as time, have allowed them no opposition.

Trent was gazing at the scenery that passed by him on his way to the capital to pass the time as well as to watch out for dangers.

His horse had been running for an hour straight and had to let it rest for a bit before continuing his task. He set up a small fire to cook some coffee over the flame. It was dark and it was expected with the job to do all-nighters when delivering messages.

He heard a crunch of twigs from behind him.

Trent's years of experience instantly made him turn to face the direction of the noise and pull out his sword that he had hanging on his waist.

"Come out!" He gave a short command. He got in a stance to prepare for anything that may come his way, either it be an animal or an arrow.

With the sounds of something walking towards him, he could see a silhouette of a man maybe a little above 6' 7'. They were walking in a slow pace as if to make a dramatic entrance.

When the light of his fire rested on the figure, he saw a man in a strange uniform with silky jet black hair and stunning red eyes. The man looked so handsome it was staggering. He looked like they were cold and deadly, putting him on edge.

"Who are you?" Trent asked the beautifully strange looking man. He had to look up to see the man's face, he was that tall.

The strange man looked around as if he didn't even notice the messenger. When he finally did, he jumped in surprise.

"あなたは誰!?"The strange man spoke in a language the messenger had never heard before. His first impression seeming like a misconception.

The strangeness of this man from his looks to his actions caused the messenger to tilt his head in confusion. He didn't put down his sword in fear of this being a ploy of putting his guard down.

"I asked, who are you!" he shouted, causing the man to flinch.

The man looked down at the ground and raised his finger and started to swipe and poke at the air.

Trent thought this man was crazy. What in the world was he doing?

After a few seconds, the strange man looked up at Trent and put his hand on his throat.

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