Chapter 37: A Quick Visit to The Emperor.

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Here is the next chapter; I hope you enjoy.

I've been gone for so long I have over 6k notifications. 


The moment we made it to the long line to get into the city, David just went ahead and skipped it all and the Guards let us through once they saw David's insignia on a plaque he showcased. Despite that though, we were only let through with a catch; that was we had to stay at a protected holding station until further orders were given. 

Apparently on the Emperor's orders.

I was currently inside a room within the garrison station after the captain pulled our party to the side after guiding us through the gate.

"Please remain here while we fetch a carriage right for the palace. It wouldn't bode well for an esteemed guest of the Emperor if you showed up on some rickety cart."

The captain demanded us to stay in this protective quarter after saying that he'd fetch a carriage for us to go to the Château palace that housed the Emperor. Priest, Brent, and I were left alone, ironically, without even a guard to watch over us. I was slightly curious as to where David was, but I figured he probably just went on ahead to submit a report.

Glancing around the cold room barely heated by the sun from a glassless window, there wasn't much else to look at aside from the few chairs spread about and a table with strange looking idols sitting on it.

Did they not have a better place to hold guests that were of high importance in the capital of all things? Surely they could of held us at a inn or something and not this barbaric place. Or was it that this kind of place was considered high-class? I was too culturally ignorant.

Leaning back against the backrest of the chair to get in a comfortable position, I spread my wings out and began to lightly flap them, a gust of wind moving around the dust. While I was doing that, I used one of my sharp fingernails to cut into my arm and began healing it repeatedly. While all of this was just to pass the time, I also saw it as practice if I was to heal while flying. I wanted to get used to the motions of my wings and expelling mana at the same time.

I also just wanted to pass the time and this was the first thing I came up with.

Though yes, cutting myself hurt a lot, but that was the problem of not having patients to heal. Such is the woes of a healer. I could use Priest, but I'd rather not anymore and Brent was clearly a no go. Despite what my past actions would tell, I like to at least believe that I have ethics, even if they are not up to modern standards. Not that I have taken a Hippocratic oath either, but whatever.

"Uh, Isis..."


I looked up from my bleeding arm to Brent, who was looking at me with a severe look of worry. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Yeah?" I said, continuing to cut into my arm. The brief sounds of blood dripping onto the floor filled the silent room.


In the face of my actions, Brent could only dejectedly droop his ears and tail from his seat. It would seem that he was quite surprised by my actions.

"Do you want a taste?"



Well that was stupid of me to say. I forget sometimes that some of the people I surround myself with are not tolerable to my jokes and actions. It was quite fortunate that Brent had caught up to us after I brutally murdered a bunch of bandits.

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