Chapter 46: Yuri's First Steps in Lionprairie.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy!

I tried indenting the paragraphs and dialogue, but I'm not too sure about the rules regarding it in formal novels and professional writing, so bear with me here.

This chapter is around 5800 words, so happy reading!

    Deep in a dense, lush forest, far from prying eyes, there sat a figure of a heavily armored woman on a felled decaying log glancing at something in her hand. Nearby, the small echo of a stream trickled through the air as all sorts of animals either came to drink, bathe, or hunt. They didn't pay the woman any heed. However, they all sent glances of either fear, curiosity, or sometimes both. Sensing that the woman wasn't something they dared defy, the many spectators eventually left.

    The armored woman fiddled with the objects in her hand. They were flat, thin metal cylinders that shined brilliantly. It was a pair of gold coins bearing the stamp of an Emperor named Archwatt Joule Tesla I, showing how dated the coins were.

    "I'll throw you a bone because we've known each other for so long." The woman's soft voice muttered to herself as she recalled the original owner of the two coins, repeating a memory in her mind.

    Seeming to have become annoyed with her own thoughts, the woman pinched the two coins together to vent her brief surge of annoyance. However, knowing there was nothing she could do, she quickly calmed herself down. With the pressure on the two coins released, they clinked together, and the woman stored them within a pouch strapped tightly on a belt.

    Standing up from the dead log, the woman began her journey west. On her back was a pair of wings that quickly spread out, and with a powerful thrust, she flew into the air at breakneck speeds. Grasping her equipment in her hands, making sure they didn't become loose to prevent them from falling while she soared, she spread her view over the horizon of the endless sea of trees before her.

   "So pretty." The woman whispered quietly after taking in the sights before her, "Setsuna... or rather, Isis never let me leave home, so even though I've been in this world for years, I have never been further than this before."

    The woman's name was Yuri Ainu, a transmigrator from another world who was trained and tasked with destroying a family of dragons, only to become one of their own. For around 4 years she lived and further trained herself under the supervision of that family of dragons, her master who was a healing dragon, and another man who was a soul bound servant like herself. Training in flight, magic, and swordsmanship alongside her master who was ironically younger than herself physically, but older in her past life, she quickly became more proficient in her skills to a level high enough to beat most threats to her life.

    To put it simply, the training was hard. To put it harshly, even if she wanted to die, she couldn't. It was hell. Her master, Priest, and even the other dragons all participated. Magic and even blood was thrown and splattered about like no one cared about the consequences. She couldn't count anymore how many times she nearly died or had been on the verge of death only to be resuscitated and revived by Isis, Priest, or her own damn healing magic. At the first chance she could, she'd leave.

    And it was that same day that Isis decided to go on vacation visiting towns and cities she'd been to before that Yuri finally saw her chance. There was no doubt that Isis knew of her feelings since her soul was still held within Isis' body and they were transmitted to her whenever she wanted them to. That was more than likely the reason she even prepared the gold to give to her and told her to come back safe without needing to argue.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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