Chapter 34: Playing The Fool.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Some might have noticed that they received a notification for this chapter before. I deleted that one, revised it a little, and here we are again. 

6300 words long, woop woop. 

I love making me long chapters :) Makes me feel like I'm giving back to the community.


There was a woman with a deep, dark-green shaded hair and eyes going through the moderately clunky desk she was working at. She was sorting through requests, old newspapers, and other miscellaneous bits of information. She was the Teress Village's sole Guild Representative and Receptionist. Her name was Racheal.


For Racheal, this kind of work was menial. At such a small Adventurer's Guild, this was nothing compared to the large branches of the Guild that had to deal with this stuff on the daily aside from just time to time.

-Shift... shift...


As she was looking through the pile, a certain notice caught her attention. Racheal had seen it plenty of times, but it was only now that she stopped what she was doing to look at the years old distribution. It had a very familiar face posted... more like drawn, but nonetheless present on the paper.

Her interest caught, she glanced through the paper for the first time in a long time since she started her job there at the guild.


Big, bold words to grab the passerby's attention were printed on the top of the paper.

'Name: Isis. (Last name unknown)

Capture status: Alive. Reporting of their death will not net the capturer any compensation.

Notable Features: Short (Between 4ft 10in to 5ft.) , Of Demi-human decent with heavy human-like features (Lizardwoman; White wings and tail. Purple horns sprouting from the ventral sides of the head.).

Personality: Reported to be uncaring to social norms.

Strength: Notable advancements in Healing specialization, yet is still able to swing 50kgs like swinging a twig. This is likely due to the characteristics of their demi-human ancestry.

Sponsor for Notice of Capture: The Imperial Family of the Tesla Empire.

Reward: 100 Imperial Gold Pieces.'


As she read the brownly shaded with age paper notice, the more and more the person she thought was on the paper was the same as the one in her head. They were practically carbon copies based off the drawing itself.

"Well, I signed a contract of silence, but...."

Said people, the Imperial Family, that were looking for her also supplied those contracts of silence, so if they had a problem with their own rules, then there was no point in enforcing them.

"...Of course, there are obvious loopholes in the contract."

Taking a sip of her hot coffee she had prepared earlier, she went through her papers, looking for the contract of silence she had made with a certain demi-human with heavy human-like features and other notable features.

"The clauses stated that I would not tell anybody of the details pertaining to her Adventurer's license, not even the Imperial Family. Nothing is stopping me from calling them over, though."

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