Chapter 26: Surprise!

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Hello, everyone. Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

I'm not sorry for not uploading lately. I'm sure that you've heard the same excuses time and time again from people who write stories like this for free. Our real lives are busy, so we make do with what time we have. If you feel underappreciated, maybe you should rethink your life choices.

On a side note, I found the gif above funny, so I decided to share it, and I wrote this chapter while sleep deprived, so the quality may or may not be shit.


"So, what happened to that old man?"

A deep and eerie voice within the darkness of a conference room only lit by a single candle in the center of the round table asked the 11 other people that had gathered there.

"I don't know. He said he had a little project going on that was supposed to get us some new subordinates, but I haven't heard from him in a few months."

A feminine voice came from a different direction and answered the first's question.

There were a few exhales of air as if in deep thought.

"He last informed me that he was going to some village disguised as a travelling merchant to test a product of his. That old man and his hobbies..." There was a hint of disgust in the man's voice as he informed the others of some background information.

Apparently, what he did was not something pleasing, even to the likes of the people gathered here.

"What was that villages name?" the feminine voice asked.

"I forget, I didn't think it would have been necessary. It started with a 'T', I believe."

Some more seconds of silent thought passed before someone snapped their fingers like they remembered something.

"Ah, I think I know what village it was. Teress."

"Yeah, I think it was that." The first man agreed. "What do we know about it?"

"Well, it's a village about 9-12 days away from the city of Volkshire of the Tesla Empire. It's a farming village with not really any specialties. Other than that, it houses an old war veteran... Grayson, I think his name was, serving as the mayor of the place. I also heard tale that currently, there is to be a dragon subjugation party heading there as we speak to slay, get this, an Ancient Class dragon."

A few of the others mysterious gatherers voiced their amazements through small extensions of "oh's".

"So basically, he was likely killed." An unheard voice in the crowd spoke.

"Yeah thanks for the uptake, captain obvious. Of course he's dead." The first voice berated him.

"Sorry, I was just making sure everyone was on the same page." The man who was scolded defended himself.

"Forget it, moving on." The first said, not feeling bothered to continue. "but basing off context clues, everyone here realizes what this means right?"

He stayed quiet to see if anyone would answer what he was thinking,

"It means that there is someone who can use a powerful Holy spell there. They pose a great threat to us demons. We have to get rid of them." The feminine voice answered exactly what the first man was thinking.

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