Chapter 14: Who Was That?

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.


I left Priest to his own devices and inspected the room I was laid in.

The bed was just a straw bed, the hay being held inside a mattress size pillowcase. For the pillow, it was stuffed with what I had to guess to be chicken feathers.

There was a nightstand with a drawer built in and a dresser. Finally, there was a window that did not have any glass.

I thought back on the happenings of today and sighed.

What strange man is selling pills to turn people into demons? What are demons in this world like, anyway? Why were the citizens of this village not questioning mine and Priest's wings and horns?

I'm basically left to my thoughts as I wait for Priest to come back.

"Lalala..." I mumbled catchy songs from my past life that I could only remember the beat to as of now. I had my legs sticking over the side of the bed as I kicked them back and forth swinging my head to the left and right.

While I was doing that, I felt something inside myself warn me of impending danger. What is this feeling?

I stopped my singing and moved my head to where I felt it come from.

The door.

Someone is on the other side of that door.

I got off the bed and hid underneath the bed, like a child.


I'm not worried in the least, I just want to see what they're up to before I show myself.

As I nestled comfortably underneath the bed, the door was quietly opened, attempting to try not alert the people inside.

I heard and saw hard leather boots clack against the wooden floorboards, squeaking following.

"... Where is that child? Isn't she supposed to be here?" The man asked to another outside the door.

"Yes. That's where I assigned their room." The inn attendant answered the man's question. He answered him with a monotone voice, why is that?

"That strange man, Priest, was it? He didn't take her with him, did he?" The man's deep and gruff voice questioned the attendant.

"No. He left by himself for Margret's Boutique."


The mysterious man walked around the room, inspecting.

I peeked from underneath the bed, while the attendant was keeping a look out down the hallway, to get a better look at the newcomer.

The man had slicked back gray hair with a strand coming off the sides of his forehead, the roots of them being black. His finely trimmed beard and a pair of reading glasses and pocket watch in the pocket of the chest, those perfectly white gloves! They all created the perfect image of a fantasy butler.

And the required clothing of such a butler,

A Tuxedo!

I wanted to get his autograph, but I restrained myself and hid back underneath the bed.

What!? I'm a Healing Dragon!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt