Chapter 12: A Change For The Better?

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You thought it was going to be the title cover image, but it was me, Dio!

Song cover, "Traffic Jam", made by Miyashita Yuu. 


Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy. 宮下遊miy_yuu Channel / cover is the YouTube channel that created the cover to the video above. It's very addictive to listen too. At least, for me it is. You should definitely subscribe. 


With a deep breath, I turned around to face the monster.

"Hello mother." I greeted mom on this exquisite fine night, "Nice weather we're having tonight, perfect for a fight to the death, is it not?" Since I was screwed, might as well go down with a bang.

Odin was giving that "Just shut up!" stare pouring into my back.

"You three," Mom addressed us, disregarding my obvious sarcasm. "I find it very disappointing that you snuck out of the cave on your own without our permission, but it's good that you all came back in one piece."

Mom looked at me and scanned my body, "Even if that piece is not like what it was before it left."

She breathed in and sighed.

"Setsuna." She said my name with such verbatim that I tensed up.

"Yes ma'am?" Of fuck, I have never addressed her as ma'am before. My previous life's manners are coming out of their shell.

"... Go back to the cave and heal your wounds." She was confused by the word "ma'am" but just assumed I messed up calling her 'mom' out of fear. Her command continued, "Also, take those human corpses with you."

"Yes, mom." I acknowledged her orders.

Mom turned her head towards Aqua, a less furious look on her face.


"Yes, mother?"

"You as well."


We waited for mom to address Odin, but she didn't. Aqua and I looked at each other and headed back to the cave. I grabbed Lux while Aqua carried the two adventurer corpses inside a large water ball.

As Aqua took the lead, I turned my head around to look at Odin. The person in question looking at me with another look that made me think of Kevin Hart's "Help me" skit.

Closing my eyes in resignation to hint him that I was saying "sorry", I walked away to catch up to Aqua, leaving Odin to fend for himself. No lifeline in sight.

With a silent, invisible tear, Odin awaited purgatory.

While Aqua and I, who was limping due to my injuries, were walking towards the entrance of the cave, Aqua being awfully silent in all kinds of ways, My vision suddenly went white.

"YOU IDIOT SON!" Mom howled into the lively midnight forest. When the sound of the yell stopped echoing, all that was left was silence. Nothing, even the wind decided not to flow. The life that was obvious now receding into ghosts.

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