Chapter 21: Unreasonable Rage.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Check for grammar mistakes for me, okay?


The beautiful woman that I followed to the Adventurer's Guild turned out to be a S-Class adventurer. When she announced herself and her arrival, the smile I had disappeared.

A powerful person such as her was so close to home. This is bad. She is very bad news.

"Isis, you said that you wanted to get tested for your attributes?"

Ignoring her fans and the clamor of the Guild, she turned her body to me and made sure of my previous words.

"...Yes." A bit hesitant because I was questioning myself on how to move forward from now on under her watch, I answered her.

"Well first, let's get you registered."

With her usual smile that has suddenly become creepy to me, she gently took my hand and carried me over to the receptionist's counter.

"I'll be this lady's sponsor, please register her." Ragan pointed to me

"...Y-yes, right away!"

A bit distracted looking at the both of us, the receptionist scuttled along into a backroom behind the counter.

"What's this "sponsor" and why are you sponsoring me?" I asked Ragan this question. It seemed like it was way too much trouble. The people in the building were getting even louder once they heard that I was being sponsored by a S-Class themselves in person.

"A sponsor is just a person who helps newbie adventurers with beginner equipment and daily necessities until they are able to support themselves." Explaining, Ragan bent her legs to match her height with mine. "I'm sponsoring you because I sense a great potential within you. And also..."

Ragan looked over my body from head to toe. There was no lustful gaze, but a serious analytical one.

"In all my years of travelling this world, I've never seen a person like you." Ragan spoke slowly when she got to the end, tilting her head.

"What are you, Isis?"

Getting close to my face, she hurled that question. Her red eyes that went along with the color of her hair seemed to glow in the sunlight lit room of the Adventurer's Guild as they gazed into mine.

"Your exam is ready, please follow me to the testing area!" The receptionist lady finally finished her preparations for registry.

"Great! Go along now, Isis! I'm sure great results await you!"

As if it was nothing, Ragan's serious atmosphere dissipated into thin air as she stood up and cheered for me, clapping her hands.

Walking past her with a sidelong glance, I caught up to the receptionist and followed her into a detached area of the Guild building.

When I looked back at Ragan, I saw the smile of a person who had gotten a new toy to play with.

"Dangerous in more ways than one, I suppose."

Putting it past me now that I didn't have to deal with her for the moment, I found myself in a gymnasium like place about the same size.

In the center of that, there was a crystal ball on a pedestal that sat in the center of the room.

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