Chapter 9: Scary Thoughts, Scary Sisters.

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Found this, and found it nice to listen to while writing.

Jumpin Jive - Swing Hop/Electro Swing - Royalty Free Music


Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

The video above is:

Jumpin Jive - Swing Hop/Electro Swing - Royalty Free Music

Royalty free means that there are basically no copyrights towards it.


"Hey big sis, you up?" asked Odin, whispering.

I stayed quiet, keeping my eyes closed to get him to give up on asking whatever he is about to.

"Hey, sis. Wake up." He said, a bit louder.

I remained still, still.

Not seeing a reaction, he went quiet. Then he put his forelegs on me and started to gently shake me back and forth.

"What is it Odin..?" I finally asked, getting annoyed.

"Let's sneak out!" He stated, still whispering.


"Sneak out?" I repeated his words like a parrot at the absurdity of what he just suggested.

"Yeah, let's go out the cave into the forest. See the world more compared to this plain, dark cave."

That's just stupid, not only dangerous.

"Come on Odin, you know that's dangerous." I warn him, "Wouldn't it be safer to ask this of mom and dad in the morning?"

"I mean, it would... But, where is the fun in that? If it's just us while it's dark, it gives such a bigger sense of exhilaration!"

"You speak as if you have snuck out before..."

"...No comment."

So you have.

"Well, why not ask Aqua to go with you, or us both? You guys are as close as two peas in a pod."

"What are peas? Nevermind, I would ask Aqua, but she takes things way too seriously and would likely snitch. I can't trust her to keep this a secret."

I mean, he wasn't wrong. Aqua is kind of like that.

"But why don't you do it yourself on this night in particular? You've done it by yourself already, why do you need me to accompany you without our parents protection in case something happens?"

"Because, I want to fight some monsters, but I am afraid that coming back with injuries will all to easily point out that I have been sneaking out. How am I supposed to hurt myself when mom is watching me like a hawk? It's way too suspicious that you can't just make an excuse up."

"Also," Odin added, "I've noticed that your healing has become much better since mom and dad have been training you."

"You speak of my training and how it's gotten better, but you are reluctant with your own... I see your point, you want me to heal your injuries so that it's not obvious of your "nightly activities"."

I thought about it with a sigh.

There is a large amount of needless risk that we will put ourselves in, but this will be a great learning experience for the both of us. I will be able to experience having a battle with a monster and some healing practice on Odin, and he will learn the former and experience the dangers of the world without the protection of our parents.

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