Chapter 11: Expected Consequences.

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Side thought, a harem full of demon girls seems pretty fun before you are brutally murdered. Either it be due to blood loss, broken appendages due to forgetting to give a certain assistant her coffee, second hand smoking, alcohol poisoning while playing turned based strategies, a knife to your arteries, too much sex after going on one too many dates, sin machines, getting chewed up by your favorite pet, getting shot by the police, or not making pancakes for your CEO. Maybe a one way banishment portal as well?


I watched as the knight, what was it, Lux? Lestman? Yeah, Lestman Lux, as he booked it into the forest with the last two men that were among of his group to get away from Odin and I.

I chased after them, Odin was about to as well.

"Oh, Odin." I stopped to speak to him, giving just a little more time for the humans to keep their sorry lives, "Break Aqua free and spend some time with her to calm her down. Maybe share the horses together."

Saying that, I dashed off without giving Odin time to complain that he couldn't be a part of the chase with me. I made a good point, so he followed my suggestion (Orders).

Though I gave them more time, in the heat of the moment, they abandoned their horses and were running through the forest on foot, which also was a good decision since the horses would have a hard time getting through the not so wide spread trees.

Unlike the horses, though I share around the same girth as them, I don't have unstable hooves in this kind of ground, so I can still run. Once I get bigger though, I wont be able to get through the forest without arbitrarily knocking down trees. But I'll be able to fly by that time. At least I hope.

Anywho, snack time.

Greedily licking my mouth with my snakes like tongue, I ran at the humans.

As I chased them, Lux swung his sword at random trees, the sword surprisingly super sharp. It was so sharp, that the trees he swung at fell with one swing and fell, blocking me. I could easily jump over it though, but that slowed me down just a little.

Lux must have noticed that I'm chasing them on foot instead of flying above the trees to get to them faster, but even if that's not true, I wouldn't be able to see them in this dark, barely lit moonlight.

But I was still gaining on them.

"Shit shit shit..!" Lux cursed as he ran. After getting a few curses out, he began mumbling something, likely a chant.

"Speed boost!" Lux shouted, outstretching his arms to his companions, their feet gaining a green glow and suddenly picking up speed, dashing ahead of Lux.

He didn't buff himself... Don't tell me.

On que, he dramatically turned around and pointed his sword at me.

"Dragon! If you want to get to my friends, though I don't know them personally, you have to go through me!"

Yeah, that's not happening.

I continued to charge in a straight line after his bold claim with no signs of slowing down.

He readied his sword above his head, the blade pointing downwards in a parry position to brace for my impact or to slash at me. Beads of sweat invisible to the eye flowing down his face.

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