Chapter 42: Instincts.

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I decided to do a little something ^^^. Go to a binary code to text translator to see the hidden message.

I made this chapter longer than the usual.

Anyways, Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy.


It had been a few hours since Isis was, ahem, 'escorted' out of the palace along with her so called "student." Though there was no damage, it was quite the shock to the mind to learn that the revival of the Demon King was nigh. It was all annoying. He of course knew that being an emperor was no easy task, but he thought that perhaps it would remain on the same level as his father's.

He thought briefly about what had happened earlier that day. 

He had ordered a massive banquet for Isis, expecting a severely different outcome than what had happened, so he had to cancel that order late into its making. This pissed the kitchen staff off of course, but it wasn't like they could freely voice their opinions straight to his face. Even if the look on their faces couldn't hide what they thought.

Initially the plan was that after the insurance that was the tranquilizing poison wore off, he would make amends with food since that was what he had heard lizardmen beastmen most appreciated as gifts. Instead, what he was met was the unforgivable truth in his ignorance that he had lusted after a child for over five years and the fact that demons were making their preparation to revive their Demon King.

They never seem to tire of that tactic. Couldn't they learn that their methods were insanity? It never worked once, so why try the same thing again and again?

Archwatt was now in his work chambers, stamping and approving documents. While his hands and eyes were reading the paper, his attention was elsewhere. His hands just moved along the parchment like they had minds of their own. Now, he was thinking about what to do with the demon's uprising and how to achieve the solutions that appeared in his mind.

'First off, I need to raise the taxes... Would 17% of their yearly income fly?'  The Emperor, Archwatt Joule Tesla VIII, thought to himself.

For most of its history, the Tesla Empire has been a warring superpower. Through superior tactics and officers, quality of weapons, and numbers thanks to their larger pool of human resources relevant to their boasted size, they bested any enemy that dared to stand in their way.

Of course, that comes with a cost. 


Lots and lots of money.

To raise and maintain such a military headlock over other nations required such a large amount of coin that it wouldn't have been a shock to anyone had the Empire's economy imploded on itself at any given moment.

But there was a single reason as to why it hadn't:

The Tesla Empire was so influential, that the gold they minted had become a medium of guarantee. Everyone in the world traded goods and bonds using their coins. Sure, other countries had their own, but the Teslan gold and silver was worth more. It had more backing because everyone believed it to be worth more. It was all still gold and silver, just as anyone else, but ironically, no one -the commoners- believed it to be so. It was a truly strange double-edged sword.

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