Chapter 10: You're Out of Luck, Lux!

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Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy.


Odin and I prepared to fight the humans. I of course couldn't see their strength or how skilled they were, but it is always best to proceed with your plan that follows the worst case scenario. That way, if something bad happens, you can change accordingly.

In total, there were around 5 people standing around the carriage. We don't know if there are any others outside their sightline that are maybe taking a piss or something.

"Odin, before we attack, we need to make sure there are not any outliers. Go scout around their campsite and make sure every human is here and accounted for." I instruct Odin. Odin nods his head and lays down as far as he could so that he wouldn't be seen. He and I have Yellow and white scales, it's kind of hard to camouflage in this environment.

Now, I need to think on how to lure them...

I haven't practiced speaking with English in a long time, but I'm sure I still am very skilled with it. Let's try saying something.

"...Help... me..." I whisper, I don't need their attention just yet. I continue to mumble to myself words until Odin comes back, to revitalize my speech.

I waited patiently, hearing Aqua kicking and hollering at her captors. Screaming words like "Let me go" or, "I'll get you for this". I left out her cursing.

Okay, I think I see Odin...

"Hey," says Odin, coming out from a bush. It's a bit windy right now, so the trees are making loud movements so that it's harder to hear other natural sounds of things moving inbetween.

"Anything to report?" I ask.

"There was one human around 30 meters away from the group, tending to his business. All in all, there are around 7 humans here."

"7, then..." I mumble, forming the plan inside my head.

What I'm thinking of doing is luring as many humans, at least one, as possible over to my location around 60 meters away. That way, I can easily make them be on guard and force one or two to check out the danger, killing them too.

If they don't then I will ask Odin to create a great ball of bright light and make it explode, creating a flashbang. Flashbangs back on earth never actually made sounds when they "exploded" that's all videogame logic. At least I think.

Anyways, with a few blinded, I will sneak to the rear guard and begin hauling ass killing them so that they can't support the front.

If I see an opportunity, I will throw a ball of healing over to Odin to let him heal.

I cast my gaze over each and every person I could see.

These adventurer's equipment looks like regular old leather and iron. I can't sense any mana coming off of it. Dad had said that powerful humans wore enchanted stuff to battles and what not where they were needed. Since they don't have that kind of stuff, I'm guessing...

No wait, there is someone with quality gear.

Amidst the rough men, there is a handsome one wearing white, full plate armor with yellowish embroidering. Strange. Why would someone be wearing that heavy stuff at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, all localized within the confines of this forest?

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