Chapter 29

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I don't know why, but Wattpad's been glitching with me lately...anyone else experiencing it as well? 

Anyway, I'm really sorry that this took so long! Honestly, if you ever written anything about politics, then you'll know how hard it is. Now factor in the fact that it's werewolf politics and I have to make up everything that still sounds valid. Yeah, I'm not too quick in those situations. 

Anyway, please comment (as you go along! I love those!), vote, share and all other things! I would really appreciate it!


*Sebastian POV*

A gleam of light in Taryn’s hand caught my attention and my eyes darted to it, trying to make out what it was. It took me a split second to realise that it was a glass shard.

What was she going to do with it? 

My blood turned to ice. Was she going to…was she going to kill herself?

I could see it now, her turning the shard and having it disappear into her chest, ending her life. It was like I was transported into her mind for that one split second. She would be able to end it on her own terms, control her own fate instead of having it threatened by my father.

Then, before I could move a muscle to try and stop her, even though I knew I was too far away to do anything especially in my weakened state, she stepped forwards and the thrust the shard into my father’s back. 

Everyone froze, as though a spell has been placed over the clearing. 

My father’s face contorted into a mixture of pain and fury, his head turning in slow motion towards the human female. The iron scent of blood wafted over the gathered werewolves and they stiffened. 

It was my father who first broke the spell, unintentionally. What had been the beginning of his counterattack ended as his legs refused to support him anymore and he feel to the ground with a dull thud, the glass still embedded in his back. He ceased to move again. 

Xena was the first to react. A soon as my father hit the ground, she shot forwards, racing towards the house. The only thought that ran through my head was how I could see why she wore a dress. It didn’t constrict her running in the slightest, instead enabling her to stretch her legs farther and reach the steps before anyone could even react.

Sudden, a heart wrenching howl pierced through the air, splitting the silence. The sound of a being who had just lost a piece of their soul. 

All hell broke loose.

Forty werewolves broke free from their paralysis all at once. 

A good portion of them turned and leaned forwards into hunting crouches, some ready to attack the female who had killed their Alpha and the others ready to attack our group.

The rest stood stunned, unsure of whether to attack or mourn with the dead Alpha’s mate. 

I began moving at the same time as those werewolves that were poised to attack. Alpha Jay and the others could handle them. I had to check on Taryn or I wouldn’t be able to function.

Taryn was frozen with shock. The hand she had used to drive the shard home was drenched in blood, and a puddle of red was growing around her feet. Her eyes were wide. Xena was standing next to her, trying to coax her over, reason with the girl. As I got closer, I could see Taryn’s hand begin shaking. Terror was alight in her gaze when she slid it up to meet Xena’s.

Without another moment’s hesitation, she ran.

Her brother was there to catch her before she could go far. She screamed, her voice lost among the chaos of the werewolves in the clearing, and fought but Joey refused to let go.

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