Chapter 23

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So do you guys mind that my updates are going to be a little unreliable from now on? I'm trying to write whenever I can, but I can't guarantee annual Tuesday updates anymore. 

I loved all the comments on the last chapter! Hearing feedback really gives me encouragement to keep writing. That being said, I want to again ask for ten comments, but also twenty votes. I'll still update whenever I get the chapter done, but I'll try to update early if the goal is reached!

Also, sorry that I'm switching between first and third person lately. Flashbacks/memories are in third, just to give you reference. 

Enjoy! (Remember, 10 comments, 20 votes for early update!)


There were things that Sebastian had never told anyone about his father or about his years there. People knew some ideas of what had happened, but he didn’t think he would ever be able to tell anyone. In his first years in America, he was tempted to call his mother and beg to come back. The only thing that prevented him from doing it was his pride. That, and the fact his father didn’t allow him to use any forms of communication like a telephone or internet for that very reason. 

“I don’t care what you want, you little brat! You are going to become the Alpha, and that’s that.” His father roared, gripping his shoulders with brutal force and shaking him back and forth. “Now if I hear you say one more word against the subject, I’m going to beat you bloody!”

The boy, wisely, stayed silent for the time being, fighting to keep the tears that streamed down his face from flowing although he was losing the battle. His father wouldn’t like the tears and would probably come to ‘beat them out of him’ as he would say. 

“Tears are signs of weakness,” his father would growl as his hand echoed across Sebastian’s cheek, “and you are an Alpha, not some sniveling human girl.”

Sebastian didn’t have the nerve to tell him that girls weren’t the only ones that cried and it wasn’t weakness to. His mother had taught him that, and his father hated any mention of her. 

“I-I’m sorry, Father…”

“I don’t understand why you keep that brat around.” A woman stepped into the room, dressed elegantly in a deep purple dress that fell to her ankles with a slit running dangerously up the side. Her hair fell loosely to her shoulders in gentle auburn curls and her body was as generous looking as her face was, but her eyes were cold, so cold it seemed they could pierce through one’s skin.

Sebastian sniffed and shrunk back. “Sophia…” He mumbled, earning himself a backhand from his father who then turned to the woman. 

“My dear, do you need something?” His voice had changed so suddenly, to one that could almost be described as tender, but it was about at soft as a double-edged sword.

The woman yawned lazily. “The other brat heard commotion and won’t shut up so I came to see what was going on, but I only found you dealing with a pest. It’s nothing, dear Nicholas, you can carry on now.”

She turned to leave but just before she stepped out of the room, she said, “You know, that thing is as weak as its mother. I don’t see why you’re wasting your time with it.”

Sebastian’s head snapped up. “How dare you speak of my mother that way! She had more honor than you will ever have!”

Sophia stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around. “You insolent little brat!” She spat the word like it was the worst she could think of.

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