Chapter 14

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Finally back from Africa! It was such an amazing trip and I had such an awesome experience. I technically got in a few days ago, but decided to wait until the first of July to begin posting everything. I finished five chapters while I was away, so I'll be posting all of them up every few days or so :) 

But for now, I'm home! And guess what! It's my birthday in exactly two weeks! *happy dance* Anyway, if you guys like this chapter (or, you know, just love me and feel like being awesome) please vote and comment and if you guys are new, then be sure to follow me or check out my poem Fallen which can be found on my profile!



*Sebastian POV*

A hand was laid on my shoulder, jerking me from my nap. I breathed in sharply and my gaze snapped to Taryn who was lying in my bed. “Is she awake?” I asked, my voice slurred with exhaustion. I looked up to see Alpha Jay. 

“My boy, you should get some sleep. I can watch over her myself.” He said gently, but I shook my head.

“No, I can’t leave her. She might wake up.” I ran my hands over my face, pulling at the skin and rubbed my eyes. “I need to be here when she does.” 

Alpha Jay looked at me sadly, his hand squeezing my shoulder tighter. “My boy,” he sighed, “you must get some rest. At the very least take a shower and get something to eat. You will do Taryn no good if you are not at peak health yourself when she wakes up. She will need you. Now that she had been exposed to werewolf life, she will want to know what is going on and what happened to her. She’s too smart a girl to just have it written off as a freak accident, and you know that.”

“But-” I began to protest, but the Alpha cut me off before I could continue. 

“Sebastian, please. Xena and I will watch over her while you take a break. Taryn will not be waking up any time soon. Her wounds were too great. She is lucky that she will be able to heal at all.”

I didn’t answer for a few minutes, instead just looking at Taryn through dulled eyes. She hadn’t moved an inch in the last three days she had been unconscious. Only the rise and fall of her chest showed she was even alive at all. 

Her shoulder and leg had both been bandaged and cleaned to prevent infection. Once Xena and I had run out after seeing her on the doorstep, we had to bring her upstairs as carefully as we could so we could get her to my room, which was the only ‘spare’ room we had, and then I was promptly kicked out so that I wouldn’t see, and I quote directly from Xena, “things that are not meant for a man’s eyes unless he got laid.”

So basically I had spent the entirety of about two hours hovering outside my bedroom door waiting until I could see Taryn again. 

Once I had been let in, I hadn’t left her side. Despite having already bled out so much and her wounds were bandaged now, I could still smell the blood leaking out of the open skin, soaking into the thick gauze.

That first night had been the worst. 

Each minute went by painfully slow and the bandages around her shoulder had to be changed three times, her leg twice. 

The first day, I didn’t fall asleep at all. 

I didn’t eat or drink anything. I didn’t even move from the chair. It was like I was unconscious myself. 

The second day, Xena and Alpha Jay came in and tried to force me out of the room again so they could get me to sleep in an actual bed and eat something. Upon the first touch, I immediately went into a Blood Haze and attacked them, driving them from the room while putting a few scratches into the walls as well. Fighting them off took all my strength, which only made me wonder later because werewolves were at their peak strength during the Haze and I should have been able to drive them away much easier. 

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