Chapter 22

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Hahahaha this is so late...Sorry about that. School started last week so it's really hard to write in my free time (Free time? What is free time?) 

One thing about the edited version that I'm planning (but not posting on the site): I think I'm going to switch the point of view into third person, so it's easier for the transitions between the perspectives of the characters. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Anyway, enjoy the story! (I recently hit 21k reads and it's almost at 22k! And I almost have 1k votes! 

One more thing: I'm gonna ask for ten comments again on this chapter. Thanks and enjoy!


 *Taryn POV*

It only took a glimpse of the glowing blue that had haunted my dreams for memories to come rushing back to me, flashing through my head at a speed that left me dizzy. I screamed like I had never known what the word was and relied purely on instinct, the leg that had been bitten collapsing under me with phantom pain. 

Red and blue swirled through my vision and I pulled away, trying to preserve my life, but I would have had a better chance at slipping out of steel manacles. 

“Alpha! Alpha, please, let me handle her. She’ll listen to me!” I barely heard him pleading with Sebastian’s father, but after a moment the Alpha growled and practically threw me into his arms. 

“Fine.” He snapped. “Don’t fall back.”

“J-Joey.” I sobbed his name for the first time since seeing him, pressing myself into his chest. I hadn’t realized when we were sitting how much taller he was than me, despite being a year younger. 

“It’s okay, Taryn, you’re going to be okay. You just have to listen to me.” Joey spoke softly, his voice reassuring. “I’m going to pick you up, alright? Just trust me.” When I didn’t respond, he added, “Please, I’m begging you. If you don’t, I’m afraid of what he’ll do to you. I don’t want you to get hurt. Just please, please trust me.”

I nodded after a moment and felt one arm move from around my back to on the backs of my thighs, still clad in yesterday’s clothing. With ease he lifted me up, pressing his other hand into my back to keep me in place and began to walk after Sebastian’s father. 

I wouldn’t have been able to describe my surroundings in the slightest, even though my instincts were screaming at me. The only thing I had the energy to do was keep my head pressed against Joey and force myself not to sob. 

It wasn’t too long before Joey lifted me away from him. At first my hands scrabbled against shirt, trying to pull myself closer to the warmth I had not felt in seven years but he was persistent and sat me down on a leather couch. My eyes were wide and innocent as he drew away, like he was betraying me, but he hovered next to me the entire time. It was like he didn’t want to leave my side as much as I didn’t want to leave his, which was very likely. We had been as close as two siblings could have been when we were younger. 

Only when I looked away from him did I notice Sebastian’s father standing impatiently a few yards away. My fingers hooked into the leather of the couch as I saw he was staring straight at me, boring into my eyes. I found myself unable to look away.

The resemblance between him and Sebastian was astonishing. His hair was pitch black like Sebastian’s and even his facial structure was similar, except it was sharper and more cruel. He was taller and much more filled out than his son, but his eyes, though I shuddered at the thought of them, were as vivid in color as my boyfriend’s. It seemed as if they had sucked the very essence out of a crystal sky. 

Wolf EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang