Chapter 4

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Kind of a short chapter, I know. Sorry about that. I would have written more, but I thought that it was a good place to end. 

Anyway, thank you sooo much for all of the support on the previous chapters! I'm really glad that you all are liking the story! Continue to comment and vote, because it makes me inspired to write more!

Dedicated to crazying for the awesome cover on the right!

18 votes on this chapter for early update?



The moment Sebastian opened the door and everyone’s eyes shifted to me, I wanted to melt into a puddle of panic. Staring back at me was practically every well-known and a fair share of non-well-known persons at my school. The only popular one missing was Lexy.

All the football players, most of the cheerleaders, the bookworms, the school nerds, the band kids, people of every category and clique stood in the room, most of the ones in the latter categories acting pretty much like everyone else and completely against their school personalities.

And every pair of eyes were filled with rage and confusion. 

Thomas, linebacker of the football team, was the first to step forwards and yell, “YOU? What do you think you are doing here, you unwanted freak?”

I jerked back at the sheer volume of his voice, but was stopped when Sebastian’s hand remained firmly on my wrist. “Let me go.” I whispered, tugging on the unrelenting grip. “Please! They…They…”

“Sebastian, explain what this pathetic excuse for a human is doing at our house!" Thomas took another step closer, putting him within three yards of me, which was way too close for my comfort.  

I could imagine what I looked like at the moment and it was probably something like how a deer would look if it was trapped and a hungry wolf was lunging for it, but Sebastian seemed oblivious to my struggles to get away and only pulled me to his side and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Almost instinctually, I leaned into the touch, clutching the side of his shirt for protection. 

"She's with me. I brought her here. And you guys aren't going to do anything to her. Not anymore." He said, his calm tone poorly concealing the steely anger underneath. 

My eyes widened as I glanced up at him, shocked at his words. How could someone who just met me want to help me, especially when his family hated me? And how did he know that these were the ones that tormented me? Was it my reaction, or there's?

Everyone in the room looked at him and I with the same expression. 

"Are you saying..." A cheerleader spoke up now, hidden from my view so I couldn't tell who it was.

Sebastian nodded and the room erupted into chaos.

  "That's crazy! You can't have-"

"Are you sure man?"

"She's a human though!"

"Isn't that supposed to be impossible?" 

"Why'd you bring her back to the house?”

With each comment, a mixture of confusion and anger, I shrank further into Sebastian’s side until a woman with dark hair stepped between us and the rest of the room. 

“Can’t you see how scared the poor girl already is without you hooligans yelling at her? Everyone back up and shut up!” She snapped. Instantly all the teenagers scurried back, and the noise died down to the point where you could hear if a paperclip had fallen to the floor. 

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