Chapter 11

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Sorry it's late and kind of short, but now that my musical's over and I'm (slightly) less stressed, I hope to be getting upa nother chapter or two before I have to start studying for finals. I hope you enjoy this chapter! And like I said, sorry it's short.

And this chapter is dedicated to BellaBoo232 because she's usually the first one to comment (and last time it was literally five minutes after I posted the new chapter she had read it) and has just given me so much inspiration to continue. If I could dedicate it to all of you, I would, but unfortunately I can only dedicate to one person per chapter.

I'm hoping to begin dedicating chapters to people from now on, for various reasons - whether you're my friend, whether you comment all the time, said something that inspired me a lot, or if I've read someone's work that I absolutely love.

Anyway, enjoy!


*Taryn POV*

I woke up mid-Saturday morning in my own bed with absolutely no knowledge of how I actually got there. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep as Sebastian told me his story of the Elders and the stars. I fell asleep right after the part of the forest Elder, but I did want to know the rest of the story. Who knew that Sebastian was a storyteller?

Turning onto my side, I looked at my clock. 9:12. When had I gotten into my bed last night? My mind briefly flashed me the sensation of someone carrying me last night. Probably Sebastian. It only made sense. He probably carried me into my room. I couldn’t help but let a small smile creep onto my lips. 

Instead of waking me up, Sebastian had just carried me through my house and to my room. My eyebrows furrowed at that moment. How had he gotten through the door? Had my mom let him in? 

My gaze fell on a small object next to my clock and I saw my house key lying next to my phone. So that’s how he had gotten in. He must have gotten them out of my sweater pocket. 

With a yawn, I shoved my way out of bed, seeing I was still in my clothes from last night. I must have been really out of it to not have even woken up to tell myself I didn’t feel like changing. 

My mom hadn’t come into my room yet to tell me that she had to go to work, but even as I thought it, my door was opened and her head popped in. “Oh, Taryn! You’re awake! What time did you get in last night?”

So she didn’t know that Sebastian had brought me in. “Uh, around 12 I think.” I said, hoping she hadn’t gotten home earlier so that she would see through my lie. Twelve probably wasn’t very far off, but I didn’t know.

To my relief, she just nodded. “Okay then, I didn’t get home too much after you then. I got home at around one.”

We both fell silent for a few moments until she spoke up again, “Well, the office needs me again this morning-”

“Mom, do you think you could bail the office for just this morning and we can go do something?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “You know, go out to breakfast or something together? We haven’t done that in a long time.”

My mom looked at me, stunned into silence. Even more so when she caught my small, pleading smile. After a moment, her face opened into a grin. “Well, I guess the office can live without me for a few hours. I’ll go get changed into more casual clothes and then we can go wherever you want!” 

She was still grinning when she closed the door, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The air in the room seemed lighter than it had in months. 

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