Chapter 31

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Well! We're at the last chapter. (Well. Last chapter plus epilogue. But last official chapter.) I really don't know my emotions right now. I feel like this chapter was fun to write? I honestly have no clue. I liked the ending the most. But anyway. Yeah. One more part and its done!


*Taryn POV*

The hallway was long and empty. All of the doors that I passed were closed, with no sound coming out of any of them. Without the light filtering in through the windows, it would have been completely dark.

Where was everyone? Shouldn't there be people about?

Movement caught my eye and I stopped in front of one of the windows, looking out. Sure enough, dozens of werewolves, whether in human form or wolf form, were walking around mostly milling around and talking to one another. It looked strange to me, even though I had seen it more times than I could count before with Alpha Jay's pack.

Werewolves were human, at least in part. Of course they would act human.

The sun was just rising above the trees, filtering through the loose branches across the courtyard. If I looked down at the porch, would I be able to see red?

"Taryn, you're awake."

I looked over, briefly panicking when I did indeed see red but calming once I realised that it was only my brother. His hair seemed redder than I remembered, but the wolf that he had turned into had been the same color so it must have been real.

"Shouldn't you be with Sebastian?" He sounded confused when he walked over, especially when I didn't say anything and only wrapped my arm around him, pulling him close.

"Taryn? Taryn are you alright?" Joey was becoming frantic as he held me close. I could imagine his eyes darting wildly around, trying to find the source of danger.

"I'm fine." I said. "I promise I'm fine."

There were a few more tense moments before Joey relaxed and loosened his hold. It didn't fall away completely, instead moving into the hug and resting his head on my shoulder, even though it was him that was leaning down, no matter how slight.

We stayed like that for a long time before I stepped back and smiled, reaching my hand up and tapping it on his spiked red hair. It added another half inch or so to him, but even without it he was nearly two inches taller than me.

"Hey little Jo, when did you get taller than me? That wasn't supposed to happen." A small smile spread on my face and I watched him grin as well, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand before sweeping me up into his arms.

My breath hitched at the sudden movement, but Joey only laughed as he began walking down the hall. "Attribute it to the werewolf genes. Ain't easy being turned into one when you haven't even hit puberty yet. Although I gotta say that it is better than any testosterone results I've seen, without the unnecessary bulk."

"Why not just sign up for the football team? Or are you still going to try and go for a standup comedian?"

"Hey. Hey Taryn. Why do werewolves hate naked people."

I groaned. "Do I even want to know the answer?"

"They're afraid of the moon."

I smacked his arm and he whined in pain. "Ah yes. You are such a terrifying Alpha. The scariest."

"Would you say I'm Taryn-fying?"

The pun was met with a flick to the forehead. "You're an idiot, you know that?"

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