Chapter 28

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Wattpad was once again being a butt and I had to update from my phone, but hey, I updated it! I also finished this chapter like half an hour ago and I was like was dying as I was writing it. It was a very tense chapter, that's for sure.

Anyway, I definitely don't want to keep you from this chapter very long, so I'll let you go.

Enjoy, and continue to comment, read, and vote! It makes me want to write and update a lot faster!


*Sebastian POV*

By the time Alpha Jay parked the car (really just driving into a section that wasn't covered by trees) I was ready to burst from anxiousness. Gabriel and Michael took a painfully long time getting out of the car, so much so that I almost jumped over one of them.

However, I forced myself to stay still until they got out, and then even waited for Xena, who took an even longer time so as to ensure that her dress wouldn't ride up.

Once Xena was out, I practically exploded out of the car. With every second that we spent easing into it, the more Taryn was in danger.

The air around me had changed drastically, so far from what I was used to now in the Silver Heart territory. This territory, however, permeated with scents, both foreign and (unfortunately) familiar. I could still smell the woody pine scent that was associated with some of the worst years of my life.

The scent of the air was almost enough to stop me in my tracks, but the urgency of the situation pressed me forwards with the others following behind.

Bits of memory flashed through my mind from when I had run down this very road, except in the opposite direction. Now I was running towards my nightmare and was being forced to relive it.

But now Taryn was included in the nightmare, and I couldn't allow that. I had to bring her back.

I didn't even know I had broken into a run until Michael's hand landed on my shoulder and forced me to stop. "Those who were blessed with eagle's wings still need to rely on others." He said, casting a pointed glance to Sasha, Alpha Jay, Gabriel, and Xena, who had fallen behind.

I instantly felt guilty when I realised that I was again ignoring the fact that they wanted to save Taryn as much as I did. So, despite the fact that I nearly jumped out of my skin, I waited until they caught up.

"You should never rush into war zone, my boy." Alpha Jay said once he was in line with me. "Never a wise decision to run into danger."

He phrased it a lot kinder than Xena would have. It looked like she wanted to pound me on the head with her pink lacquered nails. Not that I probably wouldn't have agreed with her if I was looking at myself from a third-person perspective, but I had no interest in feeling it. Those nails were harder than they looked.

Attempting to shake off Xena's look, I turned and began walking, resisting the urge to go on ahead.

My nerves were on edge. Last time I had spoken to Taryn, she left screaming. What had happened to her?

The thought made ice shoot through my veins. What if she was dead?

I instantly calmed myself. If she was dead, I would have felt it. She was fine. I knew she was.

I hoped she was.


*Taryn POV*

I didn't know how long it had been until the Alpha arrived but when he did, I only acknowledged his arrival by raising my eyes and glaring at him under hooded brows.

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