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Not a chapter but a little exerpt from the chapter I'm writing now...Sorry it's not a chapter, but you'll ge thte actual one at the end of June, unless I get internet on my trips. But please don't expect anything sooner than the end of the month at least. Anything I post before then is a treat.


Once I had been let in, I hadn’t left her side. Despite having already bled out so much and her wounds were bandaged now, I could still smell the blood leaking out of the open skin, soaking into the thick gauze.

That first night had been the worst. 

Each minute went by painfully slow and the bandages around her shoulder had to be changed three times, her leg twice. 

The first day, I didn’t fall asleep at all. 

I didn’t eat or drink anything. I didn’t even move from the chair. It was like I was unconscious myself. 

The second day, Xena and Alpha Jay came in and tried to force me out of the room again so they could get me to sleep in an actual bed and eat something. Upon the first touch, I immediately went into a Blood Haze and attacked them, driving them from the room while putting a few scratches into the walls as well. Only once they were gone and I was alone with Taryn was I able to snap out of the Haze. 

Now, on the third day, my eyes were sliding shut every time I leaned against something and my stomach felt as if it had shriveled up and was about to be buried in the desert. 


Again, sorry it's not a chapter, but I hope that makes you excited for the next chapters!

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