Chapter 21

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Guess what? 20k reads! And 900 votes! (Well, 898, but still. Cut me some slack :P)

So there was a big cliffhangar in the last chapter...and there's another one in this chapter, so you better brace yourself now. 

By the way, I'm gonna ask for ten comments on this chapter before I upload the next chapter (Since I respond to like everyone of them, that's only five people. Come on, please? Pretend one comment gives me one dollar. I gotta virtually pretend to eat!)


*Sebastian POV*

“Where is she?” I roared, grabbing Jacob up by the collar of his shirt and pushing him against the wall. The edges of my vision were already tinted red and I was thirsting for the dark haired boy’s blood. As soon as I had the thought, Sasha rose up next to me like a demonic angel from hell and yanked my arm down, forcing me to release Jacob.

“Settle down!” She snapped, tugging me down to her eye level. Her dark gaze was alight with all of her unleashed fury and as I looked at them I could feel the beginnings of the Blood Haze fade away. “This was not Jacob’s fault and you know it. We will just have to find her without killing anyone, if you can manage that.”

“I-I’m sorry! I really am!” Jacob was nearly sobbing. “I tried, I really tried. I don’t know how they took her!” 

“Who…” I said, my head in my hands. It was the only way that I could control myself. “Who is they?”

“There’s only one person we can assume.” Alpha Jay’s voice sounded in front of me and I looked up, my eyes glistening with unshed tears, and into his sorrowful blue. 

At the sight of me, the Alpha drew me into his arms. 

“What am I going to do without her? I don’t…I don’t know what to do!” My voice was broken and body shaking with tears just beginning to drop, but Alpha Jay kept holding me. 

“My boy, we will do everything we can to get her back.” He said. “Believe me on that.”


*Taryn POV*

Waking up in another bed not my own should  not have felt as familiar as it did. 

However, since I was pretty much used to it by now, I sat up, letting the bedcovers fall into my lap. 

Clue 1: I had never seen this room in the pack house.

Why had Jacob brought me here? Had Sebastian’s father been lurking around my house? Did Sebastian come and bring me to the pack house? 

Blinking the lingering fog of sleep sleep away, I glanced around the room. It was sparsely furnished, like Sebastian’s, but in this case there wasn’t even a desk full of paint and brushes. The walls were a soft green, reminding me of the dream I had that night, with brown wood floors. A sliver of light shone through a small crack in the window curtains, but I could only see trees taking up the entire expanse from where I sat.

Clue 2: The pack house wasn’t near an area with large trees.

I felt exhausted and was tempted to fall back and try to get more sleep, until something shifted next to me. 

Clue 3: Whenever Sebastian brought me somewhere, he never stayed in bed with me unless I asked him to.

Final clue: Sebastian didn’t have dark red hair.

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