Chapter 26

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Wattpad was being a major butt, so I had to upload this from my phone first >.< 

Anyway, so as I was writing this chapter, I realized that I think this book is almost at the end. I say think because I don't know exactly when it's going to end, but a lot of things are going to be happening, that I had always planned to be near the end so, yeah. I'm actually really happy because I wanted to finish this book (since I never have completed one before) and I've been working on this one less than a year and it's almost finished. It just makes me happy to know that I can actually finish these things.

Of course, none of it would be possible without you, so please continue to vote and comment and try to share it because it would really mean a lot!

By the way, Merry Christmas! (or Happy Holidays to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas :D)


*Sebastian POV*

The car couldn’t drive fast enough. 

Or rather, the car could drive fast enough, but it was Alpha Jay who respected traffic laws too much that wouldn’t go more than three miles over the speed limit. 

Xena sensed my frustration all too well. With her sitting next to me in the SUV, it must have stifling her. It didn’t help that we were cramped in the back seat while Alpha Jay and Sasha sat in the front with Gabriel and Michael in the middle. 

Before we had left, we had received a call from Taryn’s mom, to Taryn’s cell phone. I had picked up, using a shaking excuse that Taryn was over my house and going to the bathroom. Thankfully she had bought it, and just told me to tell Taryn that she would be home in about an hour. 

I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth about Taryn, so I just said that I would tell her and hung up. Since I didn’t want Taryn’s mom to panic even more than she was going to when she came home and found no one, I had asked Uriel to go with Jacob and Lexy to explain what had happened to her daughter. I had had my doubts about sending lexy along but Xena had assured me that Taryn and her had made up and seeing as she was Alpha Jay’s daughter, it was a good idea for her to go.

Even though I was on my way to get Taryn back, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being a coward by lying to her mother and then not telling her myself. I was the one that she entrusted her daughter to. And I was the one who let Taryn get kidnapped, by my own father no less. 

And then there was the deal with her brother. I didn’t think that he would ever want to hurt her, but if he was under the influence of my father, was there really any other choice? 

My head pounded. Squeezing my eyes shut, I brought my hands to my temples, rubbing circles in an effort to get rid of my headache. I felt Xena’s hand on my shoulder and looked over to see her dark eyes looking at me with sympathy. “Don’t worry, Sebastian. We’ll get her. You have nothing to worry about.”

“What are you talking about, Xena? I have everything to worry about! She could be killed!” I snapped, shoving her hand off my shoulder.

Xena stared at me for a moment in shock before her dark eyes hardened. “You think I don’t know that? She’s my friend too, so stop acting like you’re the only one who cares about her! You think Jacob, the boy with the social anxiety disorder, would have been the first volunteer to tell her mom that she was missing if he didn’t care about her? Do you think Alpha Jay would be driving seven miles over the speed limit if he wasn’t worried about her? Do you think any of us would be here if we didn’t possess some form of affection for Taryn? Do you?”

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