Chapter 27

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I swear, I meant for this chapter to be longer...but when i got to this last part, it just kinda felt right to stop? So yeah...sorry that it's really short and I haven't updated in a while. I've had to go back to school and it's pretty horrible, so I'm pretty much writing when I can, as well as drawing and reading. 

Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. Enjoy!


*Sebastian's POV*

Despite the more lighthearted mood of the car, the next two and a half hours of the car trip were brutal torture.

It consisted of nothing but silence, except for the occasional brief conversation, and left me the rest of the time to stare out the window and contemplate the meaning of life. It only took me a few minutes to realise that the meaning of my life would be getting Taryn back. Once she was back with Alpha Jay, I would be forced to go with my father unless there was some way to only get Taryn - and her brother if he was willing. 

To make matters worse, my phone was completely dead due to my neglect of plugging it into a charger at night What could I say? I had been pretty occupied to worry about battery life. But I regretted my decision to ignore the battery at that point, since I couldn’t play any mindless games to pass the time.  

However, halfway through the drive, Sasha had suggested singing road trip songs, to which Gabriel much-too-enthusiastically agreed to. With some puppy eyes from the two directed at Michael, he reluctantly agreed, like he knew exactly what he was dragging himself into but had no power to stop it.

Without any cue, the big Beta began banging on the car door and his knees, making a familiar beat. After a couple seconds, Xena chimed in from the back, making a high pitched tune that added to the banging. Once she started, I was able to recognise the tune. 

“So this is what you meant, when you said that you were spent, and now it’s time to build from the bottom of the pit,” Sasha sang from in the front, her voice matching perfectly to the tune. “Right to the top. Don’t hold back. Packing my bags and giving the academy a rain check.”

“Since when can you sing?” I asked, bewildered. 

Gabriel joined in with Sasha and they began singing together, his deeper voice wrapping around Sasha’s to form a wonderful harmony. “I don’t ever wanna let you down. I don’t ever wanna leave this town. Cause after all, this city never sleeps tonight.”

“Wait, you can sing too?” My gaze shifted to Gabriel, my expression still bewildered.

At the chorus, Alpha Jay even joined in subtly from the front, letting Sasha and Jay do most of the singing but adding another tone that helped with the layering. “It’s time to begin, isn’t it? I get a little bit bigger, but then, I’ll admit, I’m just the same as I was…Now don’t you understand…That I’m never changing who I am.”

This continued until the song ended, upon which I was left staring open mouthed at them. “Since when can you all sing? Why aren’t you an acapella group by now?” 

“We’ve thought about it.” Sasha admitted, but any more on the topic was abolished as they switched into an acapella version of the song “Giants” and left me to stare in shock. 

Well, for the most part. 

Gabriel and Sasha I could totally see being professional singers. Especially Gabriel. Michael, well, he had Sasha for a wife. Sooner or later he would have been dragged into it. 

But Xena?

“I know you don’t tell me about your personal life much. To be honest, none of the pack really do. But seriously? You never told me you could sing! What else don’t I know?”

Xena stopped her background singing for the moment and grinned, her teeth seeming to blind me against the darkness of her skin. “A lot.” She said before jumping back into the song and straightening the skirt of her light blue dress.

Why anyone would want to wear a dress to a potential fight, I couldn’t understand. But Xena seemed to think it was fine, so I didn’t argue about it. Not to mention that she would probably end up socking me in the face if I critisized her in the middle of her singing. 

I glared at her with as much intensity as I could muster before turning back to the window once I realised she was going to ignore me. The scenery flew past the car, ever changing apart from the the few stoplights we encountered. 

I refused to think of how Taryn might be feeling now. I didn’t want to be sucked back into that. 

After a moment, I found myself looking at my hand. It was the same, normal human hand that I had been born with. The first time it had changed was when I was twelve, when I had become a werewolf. 

The time when werewolves changed for the first time varied. Sometimes people would change as early as eight, but then I had heard of others that had changed when they were twenty. The average age was around thirteen or fourteen, since it usually corresponded with when the werewolf hit puberty, but not always. 

Without my eyes leaving my hand, I spread it out and willed it to change, imagining the fur sprouting from my skin and nails change into claws as it shrunk to form a wolf paw. I had used to be able to do it unconsciously and within seconds, but as the minutes slipped by without change, I began to panic. Was my shifting gone? Was I a regular human now? 

I felt a sense of false relief wash over me when thick black fur pierced through the skin and my hand melded together to form a wolf paw. The wolfish bone structure extended up a little past my wrist before merging with the human flesh. 

It provided little comfort for me. 

The fact that I had to concentrate on it at all worried me. It had been even harder than when I changed completely last night. 

How much longer did I have to be a werewolf? 

I forced my thoughts away and changed my paw back into a hand. It was a bit easier since I had only just transformed it, but it still made me nervous when it took much more effort than it should have. 

Once my hand was back to normal, I let my mind slip back into the rhythm of the music from the people in the car as the drive went on.

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