Chapter 3

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Thank you all so much for the feedback on my story so far! It means a lot to me. Keep voting and commenting, and if I get 15 votes on this chapter, I'll do an early update!

Dedicated to midnight_bloom for the cover on the side



She was so light in my arms, like a small child rather than an almost fully grown girl. She had passed out a little after I had picked her up, probably from the cold and the stress from whatever she was dealing with. 

The girl probably had her stuff still in the school that she had left behind, considering how it looked as though she had left the building in a hurry. As soon as I put her in the front passenger seat of my car and turned the heater on, I went inside for a look.

One sniff of the air was all it took to figure out that everyone else was at lunch. Another sniff more helped me locate her stuff. 

I tracked the scent down until I came to a hallway that had a backpack and papers strewn across the middle. It only took me a second to pick up the papers and slide them into the book bag, but just when I was about to leave, a flash of white caught my eye. When I bent down to take a look at it, it turned out to be just four scraps of paper.

No, wait, a photo. It was torn into four squares, and would have been deemed useless had I not smelled the girl’s scent on it. Without thinking, I put the scraps of paper in my pocket and left before anyone could notice I was here.

Once I got back to the car, the girl had stopped shaking - that was a good sign - but she was still unconscious. Sincerely hoping that I wouldn’t get accused and arrested for kidnapping, I went to the other side and slid in at the wheel. 

“Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine.” I whispered, even though she wouldn’t hear me. 

Since I didn’t know where her house was, I had no choice but to drive her to the pack house. 


“Sebastian! Why are you back so…early…?” Sasha, our beta female and ‘mom’ of the pack, halted near the end of her sentence when she noticed what I was carrying. “Sebastian…why do you have a girl in your arms?” Her voice turned accusatory. 

I looked down at the soaked girl, her body completely limp in my arms. If anyone saw us on the street, they would probably think I had drugged her or something. I blushed at the thought. “No! No, Sasha, it’s not what you’re thinking. I’m not into that.” 

Her face relaxed instantly. 

“Well, then why are you carrying her. And why is she soaked?”

“I was at the school when I scented her in the back. Since it was raining so hard, I decided to check it out when I found her. I figured something must have happened, but she wouldn’t speak so I picked her up to take her inside when she passed out.” I shrugged. “Other than that, I know nothing about her. Not even her name. Although I do think she is bullied. Since I didn’t know where she lived, I figured the best place would be here.”

Sasha nodded throughout my explanation, understanding. “All we can do is wait for her to wake up.”

It was my turn to nod. “I’m gonna bring her up to my room, just in case she wakes up after the others get back. I don’t really want her waking up to a bunch of rowdy werewolves in the living room.”

The dark-haired beta made a boise of agreement, somewhere between a grunt and a snort. 

Without saying anything else, I plodded up the stairs towards my room. Just as I went through the door, the girl in my arms gave a sudden bout of shivering and I looked down at her with a start. It was only a second later that I found myself studying her.

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