Chapter 9

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Semi-early update because I'm going to be gone all day and I have a ranking on Wolf Eyes! It's still pretty far down there, but how about we try to make it number one? 

Thank you all for the comments and votes on the last chapter, and to all of my new readers. Without you guys, this book wouldn't be happening. So, enjoy this chapter, and continue to give feedback if you want more of Taryn and Sebastian's life, because the plots starting to pick up!

PS. If you guys have any suggestions on the actors or people for anyone, please comment below and I'll check them out!


*Taryn POV*

I had barely walked a quarter of a mile before a horn tooted from behind me. In the instant my body had to decide on fight or flight, it chose none of the above. Like a deer first sensing danger, I froze, just waiting for the wolf to pounce. 

Instead, a radioactive green car slowed down to a stop next to me, ironically enough blasting the song ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons. The sound lowered as a familiar, achingly good-looking boy twisted it down and got out of the car. It only took him a second to notice my incredibly tense posture.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice tinged with a demand to know, panic, and, overall, possessiveness. 

My skin tingled as he neared, prickling from the aura of power he was giving off. Had that alway been there?

“It’s nothing.” I said stiffly, resisting both of my conflicting urges to back away from him or throw myself in his arms. “I just thought you were someone else, that’s all.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment, and I just stood there, refusing to turn and look him straight on, even though my mind was practically begging to. The begging only increased when I realized he was standing close enough to me that I was able to feel every warm breath that he released on my ear. 

When his hand lightly rested on my shoulder, I jumped and whipped my head to him, eyes widened and breathing ragged with fear I knew I shouldn’t possess around him. However, when he talked, his voice had lost the assertive qualities and his hand brushed against a sliver of bare skin on my neck. Calm instantly rushed over me and I relaxed from my board-like posture. 

The wolf had missed the deer after all. 

I averted my gaze to the ground. “I…I’m sor-”

Before I could say anything else, Sebastian interrupted me. “No, don’t be sorry. I shouldn’t have scared you like that.” His hand squeezed my shoulder comfortingly and his finger brushed against my skin again, making the spot tingle.  “But why did you leave without me? I was only gone for a few minutes.”

“I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean to leave without telling you. But I didn’t want to trouble you with driving me home and then I had seen Lexy and the others and I-” I tried explaining, although I shouldn’t have felt compelled to.

And yet, I felt like I needed to pour out my heart and soul to this boy. Only my confusion as to why I would even think of such a thing kept me from doing just that. 

This attraction I felt to him wasn’t natural. I had never felt this way towards any boy or girl before. Something like what I felt towards him should take at least a month or more to develop, and even then I didn’t know. I had never been on a date before, much less had a relationship with someone.

“You saw Lexy?” Apparently Sebastian was connecting with his inner interrupting-demon today. “Did she do anything? Say anything? Did she hurt you?”

Wolf EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon