Chapter 18

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So, with this update, you guys are finally caught up with me! Meaning you have pretty much all that I've written...I've been going through some writer's block lately, but hopefully I'll be able to dispel it in time to get a chapter up next week because I'm sad to say that this is the last of the June updates. So now it's back to weekly! I'll let you know if anything changes as things go on 'cause I never know what's going to happen. 

Anyway, so if you guys also want to check out my art (you can view both my art and my writing :P) then check out my Instagram: sen_artist . Have my hella rad (more like hella sad) attempts at actually arting. 

One more thing. When some of you commented on the last chapter, I wasn't able to see the message. One of you responded that you had put emojis, but I don't know what the other person did and if it was emojis or not. Either way, I can't read comments with emojis because my computer registers it as blank! So sorry if I didn't respond to any comments last chapter!



*Taryn POV*

We sat there for a while, in each others arms, until Sebastian completely broke the moment by saying, “Taryn, I love you, but right now you stink.” As a result, that led to me blushing when I realized I hadn’t taken a shower in four days. The only reason I was in different clothes was because Xena had changed me and cleaned my wounds when I arrived. 

I wanted to go back to my home to take a shower, but Sebastian absolutely refused to take me, telling me that I had to stay at the pack house because his father would now target me to get close to him. I didn’t appreciate the fact that I had to leave my house now, at least when my parents weren’t home, but I understood it at least. He promised that he would go and gather my things at my house while I was in the shower and Xena could give me some clothes if he wasn’t back in time. Reluctantly, I agreed, telling him to take the painting to my house as well.

After Sebastian left, I limped into his bathroom and began testing out the nozzles in his shower before leaving the water running to heat up while I stripped down. The sink was completely covered in various brushes left out to dry and paint stained the countertop wherever brushes weren’t. He must do a lot of painting, I concluded.

By now the water was heated up so I stepped carefully into the shower, using the white tiled wall to support me.. As soon as water began running over my skin, it was as if everything faded away. It was hard taking a shower with my injuries (especially washing my hair with one hand), but eventually I got so fed up with the bandages that I carefully stripped them off, starting with my shoulder. I couldn’t see the direct wound from where it was, but I could see the dried blood that was surrounding it. Turning the shower head to the Light Mist setting and attempted to clean it off. It hurt too bad to touch too close, but I at least managed to get most of the surrounding blood cleaned away. I was almost scared to ale off the bandage on my leg; I wasn’t sure whether or not I wanted to see the carnage that was written on my skin. Nonetheless, I slowly peeled off the bandage, fighting the urge to vomit at the sight of it.

Green film had covered most of the injury, telling me that it was at least healing because it was scabbing over. Around it, the skin was mottled mostly blue and purple, some areas being a sickly yellow and green color from where the surrounding blood vessels had burst but not escaped outside of the skin. This wound had been cleaned relatively recently, making me think that this was the worst bite I had received. It was certainly ugly and gruesome. I wouldn’t be able to heal from it without a scar, if not permanent scar.

Not being able to stand the sight anymore, I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around me, getting out of the shower in a way to not put a lot of weight on my injured leg. I peeked out the door to find the room empty. Sebastian didn’t seem to be back yet, despite the fact that I had taken over half an hour in the shower. So I would have to get clothes from Xena.

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