Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late update! This is probably the last one for a couple weeks - maybe longer. I'm going to be away pretty much the entire month of June and I don't know if I'll have internet. I'll be working on this story during that time, but next update may come in July, unless I update late next week, after exams. 

Anyway, thank you guys so much for all the support you're giving me! I hit 10,000 reads, 500 votes, and 100 comments! Everytime I see someone vote or comment, I get so excited. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! 

So, please continue to vote and comment, considering it inspires me to write more (I probably would have left this thing in the archives by now if you guys didn't like it). 

Picture on the side represents something you'll see later in the chapter ;)



*Taryn POV*

My eyes flew open even further when Sebastian’s lips came in contact with mine. I had leaned back from the shock, but an arm that had firmly found its way around my waist prevented me from moving any further. 

The action was as foreign to me as learning Double and Half-Angle formulas for the first time in Trig. 

But there was no equation in the world that could help me solve the complexity of two pairs of lips meeting each other’s for the first time. 

Sebastian didn’t try anything that it seemed like every character in books did, with all of the ‘open mouth’ kissing. It would have been even more strange for me. 

That was the part of me that was screaming no; the small, frightened version of me who wanted nothing to do but go back to the tortured life before Sebastian. Because at least that version knew exactly what was going to happen every day when she woke up in the morning. She would know that her day was not going to go by without torment from the people at school. She would know that her mom and dad would be gone before she even left in the morning. She knew hat she would more than likely have to wash something off of her face or arms that night. She knew, she knew, she knew.

Now enter the girl after Sebastian arrived. Her family was beginning to get together again. School didn’t seem so bad. She had laughed and smiled for the first time in months. She never knew what to expect the next day. After all, the first day of Sebastian driving her home from school he had come in a lime green Porsche that was blasting ‘Radioactive’. She had been taken on her first ever date to a cliff to see stars and then fell asleep listening to a story. She had been given a makeover that, for the first time, made her actually feel beautiful. 

And now she was getting her first kiss by the person she loved. 

That girl had never known who was going to be her first kiss, and although the smaller part of her wanted to back away in terror, this part wanted nothing more than open up completely to the boy in front of her, to pour out her complete and utter soul just to have him hold her in his arms like he had the night before, whispering made-up tales about how things came to be in nature.

It was both parts that took control of me.

Without completely melting into a puddle, I relaxed in his grip, and closed my eyes.

It seemed like forever until we broke apart, both of us stepping back simultaneously. “I couldn’t stop myself any longer. I had to. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“Th-there’s nothing to forgive.” I whispered, hoping that my reply wasn’t awkward. 

It seemed that it was the exact thing to say at that moment because Sebastian grinned before capturing my lips again.

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