Chapter 12

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Bittersweet moment for me considering I just failed my Economics test, and then finished this chapter like two minutes after I found out. And what really gets me worse is that I actually tried on this and studied on this and it was the worst test I've done all year.

But anyway, aside from my personal life that you probably didn't want to hear, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I absolutely loved writing it. And I was actually squealing at the cuteness and stuff.

Too upset to dedicate to someone at the moment, I'm sorry.


*Taryn POV*

"Sebastian,what are we doing?" I asked yet again, refusing to give into his manipulation.

"What, you don't want to listen to this song?" He asked, eyes twinkling to a joke.

"This is unfair persuasion and you know it. I am not going to fall for it." My body was tense as Whispers in the Night echoed through the car. Goddamn boy knew me way too well.

It was almost unbelievable that I could even say that now.

"Relax, we're here already." He said, grinning cheekily as he pulled into his driveway with me giving him the best glare I could.

He sat in the driveway for a few moments before turning to me, meeting my eyes. "You're going to burn a hole in my head if you keep that glare. I'm afraid lasers are going to shoot out of them!"

My gaze relaxed once I fell prey to his supernova irises. Over the past month, I had grown more used to them, but each time I looked at them, they shot a jolt of electricity down my spine. If I had been asked to paint them from memory, I would have been able to do so flawlessly. Well, actually, it would be a pretty crappy painting, but I would know how to at least.

Sebastian's smile grew a little wider for reasons unknown to me before he got out of the car. I opened the door to get out as well, but before I could even stick my foot out of the door, the black-haired boy was there with his hand, waiting to help me up.

Without any hesitation, I took it and allowed him to pull me to my feet. However, once we started walking to the house, my steps got slower and more reluctant until I stopped entirely.

Correctly guessing my concern, Sebastian turned to me. "It's okay. They aren't going to hurt you. I promise."

So many promises that he had made to me in such a short amount of time. I could feel doubt beginning to slice through my body. Why had he taken such a liking to me? Was it all just a fake? If I walked into this house with him right now, would I want to see what was behind the door?

A sudden hand on my shoulder made me jump in surprise, glancing up with wide eyes until I realized it was only Sebastian. "Nothing's going to happen." He said softly. It made me practically melt to the floor.

"Okay." I said back. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." He said firmly. "You have nothing to feel sorry for."

His gentle tone convinced my feet to begin moving again until he had to pause and open the front door. Once it swung open, I forced myself to step in and was met with a nearly crushing hug.

"Taryn, my girl! Nice to finally meet you!" A fairly short but incredibly strong man with dark blonde hair tinted with grey and crystal blue eyes rimmed with grey-framed glasses. He was only a few inches taller than me, but had the strength of a wrestler.

"Uh-" I tried to gasp out, but I couldn't even move, much less speak.

"Jay, it might be best if you just give her a handshake instead." A man with a very deep voice spoke up from somewhere in the room. "Or just let her go in general. You are a strange man with his arms wrapped around her after all."

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