Chapter 24

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...I really don't think sorry is enough, but I can try. I've had really bad writer's block lately and was only able to get out of it yesterday...I have been working on another story though! Once I get it typed up, I'll post it. I already have the cover and everything :P Not really sure on an exact plotline yet, but I have an idea. It should be really interesting as well. I already love the characters and everything. Well, one of them at least.

Anyway, you've all been waiting two months for this update so I won't keep you any longer (for those who actually read the author notes). Please vote and comment as you read because I absolutely love your reactions to events! 


*Taryn POV*

Sebastian would be coming for me. I knew. He would never leave me alone.

The thoughts ran through my head as I pretended to sleep, my back turned away from my brother who was sitting on a chair. I had woken up some time after passing out from swallowing the blood, which had made me nearly throw up as soon as I remembered. But my head felt a lot better, so I figured that I couldn’t complain. Whatever it was supposed to do, it worked. 

At first I had sat up, not feeling anyone in the bed with me and suspecting I was alone but as soon as I turned my head, I saw my brother. His chin was resting on his hand, eyes closed as if he had been sitting vigil and had fallen asleep. He didn’t move as I sat up and not wanting to wake him, I laid back down and turned away from him. With Joey being asleep, I could do some thinking alone. 

How long had I been here? One day? Two? A week? I didn’t know how long I had been knocked unconscious initially. But I knew that Sebastian would never let me be gone for a week. It had to be one or two days.

But even for that amount of time, where was Sebastian? He should have come running as soon as I went missing. What was holding him back? 

The smaller part of my mind reminded me of the kiss Sebastian had with Jewel, but I forced myself to not think about it. He had said Jewel was only doing it to get back at me. I believed him right?

Thinking of that day made me remember how Sebastian’s father attacked me on the Cliff. I shuddered at the memory, curling into a ball and wrapping my arms around my knees. I could feel the scar on my leg burning, like it was poisoned with the thought. The burning blue of the Alpha’s eyes as he attacked me flooded through my mind again and I let out a strangled gasp, my heads flying to my head as I fought the tears welling up.

Behind me, I heard my brother start in his chair and I stilled as he inhaled, hoping that he couldn’t see my shaking frame under the blankets. It didn’t work. I heard the chair scrape on the floor as he stood up but was saved when a soft knock came on the door. After a moment, Joey began walking around the bed. As soon as I saw his jean-clothed legs enter my vision, I slammed my eyes shut, listening as he continued to the door and opened it quietly. Once light from the hallway hit my eyelids, I cracked one eye open to see who it was. 

A girl with blonde hair, probably about my age or older, was whispering something in Joey’s ear. I couldn’t hear what she said, but it caused Joey to turn his head, looking back at me. His face was cast in shadows, but he seemed upset about something. After a second, he looked back and nodded before going out the door and shutting it carefully behind him. A few seconds after the light completely blinked out in the room, I sat up again, throwing the blankets off and stepping onto the floor. If Joey hadn’t know he was leaving, it was possible that he had left a phone behind. 

I didn’t know where exactly I was looking and the process was only made more difficult by the fact that I could’t turn on the lights, but while my hands were sweeping from side to side in front of me, they hit a chair and knocked something to the floor. I pounced on it, feeling the smooth surface of a phone between my fingers and nearly sobbed with joy.

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