The Fallen Angel

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There once was a angel who had black hair, eyes that held the most calm and beautiful sea. The angels name is Percy, and he has been given the responsibility of guarding mankind. His father Poseidon gave him that role at a young age in hopes of Percy learning the ways of humans.

Percy POV
Today was a normal day guarding and watching the mortals, just like the day before and that day before and the day before and etc. Father gave me this job in hopes I learn of the human way. Little does he know I've know for awhile.

I have been guarding this realm for 5,090 years and my favorite time was the Greek and Romans. My father believes that one day angels can reveal our kind to the humans, but all the attempts have end badly. Humans are not meant to see our power or our wings.

My wings are small compared to my brothers and sister, but the person with the most divine, and holy wings of them all is father. His wings are all pure white and are about 10 ft long. Our wings are about 6-7 ft long. I hear the sound of thunder and I take a knee with my wings out. That is how you are suppose to when the king is here.

"Hello father how can I help you" I say with my head bowed

"No need for that Percy, you know I hate it when my children do that" he says

I go to stand when I'm suddenly knocked back down by a little angel with his baby wings out

"Hello little brother" I say rubbing his curly hair.

"Hello brother father said I could come watch mankind with you for a little bit• he says with the biggest smile on his face

I nod and get back up.
"Father there is something I would like to talk to you about" I say getting serious.

"What is that my son?" he say, with a curious look on his faces

Looking up at his face with a look of determination in eyes "I would like the go live on earth with the mortals. "

Father looks surprised and then nods, he come up to me and gives me a hug.
"My son, my second born, I give thy permission to cross over but thy knows the price of thyself to be revealed to mortals" tears coming down father face.

I nod know what happens if i reveal myself to the mortal. If I were to reveal myself, my powers would slowly start to go back to father and then, my wings would slowly lose the feather and I would no longer be able to use or hide them.

"I understand thy warning and try thy to not reveal angelic being to thy humans" I say.

I go and pack the little things I had. Shirts, a couple of shorts, and underwear. I walk out of the gate and look back one more time. I fly down down the mortal world and change into some of the clothes I brought with me. I put my other clothes in a bag and start wondering around, and I hear something behind me and I turn and head a gasp.

Annabeth POV
I was walking around the park with my boyfriend Luke, we were just on a walk with some of our friends. To the right of us there's Piper, Leo, Jason, and Frank. And on Luke's left there Thalia, Hazel, Nico and Renya, were just talking about random things. I notice something behind the tree.

"I'll be right back guys" I let go of Luke's hand and goes and checked out what's behind the tree. I got around and see a teenager around my age and he's putting a shirt on and I let out a gasp and turn around

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were changing. Why are you changing in a park" I ask with my back turned to him

I there's a second of silence and then I hear the most beautiful accent I've ever heard.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there were people here. I'm Percy what's your name" he says. His accent was a mix of Irish's and British.

"Oh I'm uh. My name is Annabeth, how did you get here" I turn to face him.

"Oh I am here by myself. My family is out of town" he said, but it's like he wasn't sure.

I nod and see my friends have gone on without me.

"Hey you want to come hang out with me and my friends" I ask him hoping he would.

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