23 days til christmas challenge

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This is a challenge to where you can write a story or one shot about any ship you like, you can challenge people. I have alright to this challenge.

Blue stalking
Percy pov
Mom, Paul, Annabeth and I are getting ready for Christmas. Mom says we need new sta kings because this is 2 Christmas that we are having. The few past years we haven't had them because of Gabe and he hated Christmas and part of it was me being demigod and all. The rest of the seven are with there family or at camp. Anyway back on topic.

"Hey mom can we get blue stockings this year? We can get 4" I ask

"Sure Percy I guess not" mom says.

"Seaweed brain why are you so obsessed with Christmas?" Annabeth ask.

"Well wise girl we haven't had one in a long time." I say.



Annabeth and I went out to look for stockings and we found blue ones.



So this is the best night til Christmas of course because I'm home and I have Annabeth, mom and Paul and most importantly no gods after me or trying to kill me.

I challenge ToothlessRider404 and Emo_Music_Trash and VirusVGames to this challenge. Also my twin send me this "I your name, pledge myself to fiction bools. I turn my back on the company of people, accept eternal nerd-hood, and join the fandom life and have each other's backs." and I thought I would share.

----------important news------------
Attention all gravity falls and httyd (how to train your dragon) fans after httyd 3 comes out httyd fandom will die same as gravity falls. Please don't let that happen. It's like say that your ship shows dieing. Also my twin want me to read Michael Vey so she's not the only one.

Getting to know me
1. I have a two twin even if there not relate to me by blood or anything
2. I'm a hard core fan girl
3. I love my family and friends even if they annoy me
4. I hate drama
5. I love music
6. I love reading
7. I'm a nice person if you don't get on my bad side.
9. I'm protective of some of my friends just because they have had a rough or bad life just need help
10. I hate people who back stab or betrayed other people.

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