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Hi my name is flame I have purple bleached hair and I have really blue green eyes. I am really fusion my only friend is Annabeth Jackson and Chris Rodriguez, she said I remembered of someone Clarisse Rodriguez amd with that Chris froze and I have no idea who that was so or why Chris froze. I have ADHD and dyslexia and I have never met my father. When Annabeth and I first she had two rings on but the next day she did not but I did not ask.

Gym time

Today we are learning how to sword. Couch hedge was talking to Annabeth but I did not listen. The bell rings then I saw light hit something shiny I look and Annabeth had a sea green and gray ring on which was weird because the only thing is a leather necklace

Gym time

"Today you will be learning how to defend your sell now will percy and Charisse come out please" 2 people came out and they both had rings on.

After gym
So I found out I was a demigod and my dad was ares th god of war and I was half sisters with Charisse. I also found out Annabeth was married her last name before was Chase

This was inspired by MagicalEnchilades so thank you for comment and please vote
Riptide out

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