jadi greenwood

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Hi my name is Jadi Greenwood. I got to Macon middle school with Grace Peters. I'm not a demigod but I'm a mortal who can see beyond the mist. The ring Grace wears turns into a sword. Shes is out of her mind today.

Grace pov
Today I get to go to camp and I get to see my best friend and both my twins. (Miss you sis) Anyway jadi is looking like I might expoled.

"What can I help you with jadi" I say calm and I want to scerm.

"You seem out of it" she says

"I get to see both my twins." I say.





Grace poc

I was waiting to be picked up when I say four cars I know too well. All of them were bwt. One blue, black, red and the last one shock me. One was aqua. The blue car and passage side open. I was shocked, PERCY AND ANNABETH are home. You see Percy and annabeth jion the army to help fight for our country. The black one open and thaila was here too, the red one open and Roy came out and the aqua shocked me the most. Both my twins came out in jeans and camp half blood shirts on. Juilanna tossed me the keys.

"No way your pull my leg twin" I say

"No this is your car" she says.

I go and hug her. I went over to annabeth and percy.

"Did you bring me back a savoior." I ask. We have this thing to where if one of us goes to a different place they have to bring a idem back.

"Ya your own dog tag." He say heading me a chin with a dog tag on it. It read Grace Peters sister of annabeth and percy Jackson. I was now in tears. I hug them and hope in my car and drove off to sunset not before say bye to jadi.

Most of this is not true, jadi and I have two twins. Hope you like it.

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