Sarah Rogers ii

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This is going to be the second part and I think the last part. I have nothing to do. I'm on a bus to St. Louis with part of my class for orange crush.

"Percy Jackson" he says
"Your a demigod"

Present time

Percy pov
"How did you know. Are you a monster?" I say getting in a fighting stance with my Riptide ready.

Annabeth comes up bedside me and holds my arm trying to comfort me.

Annabeth pov
She looks familiar.

"Who's your parents Sarah." She gasped. I know who she was.

"Your Steve Rogers aka captain America and Natasha Romanoff Rogers aka black widow daughter. Parents married 19 years ago. Born March 19, 2001. The next avengers, the next Rogers to be the greatest and last super soldier and spy. Anything I missed." I say

"Ho.. how did you know that. Unless aunt Annabeth" She say

"Yep. Hey kiddo how's mom and dad." I ask

Percy pov
I was shock. How did she know all that stuff. (Hello Percy your dating a daughter of Athena.)

"Annabeth how do you now all this." I say through my teeth.

"Percy, remember the brother I told you about, the one I like but "died" during war would II." She say

"Ya" still a little confused how this has to do with anything.

"Well this is My niece Sarah Rogers. My brother and his wife married during the war after he was called 'died' and she was put in the KGB and then joined shield. 70 years later he was awake from the ice and etc. (I know now all of this happens but I'm going off a fan fiction I read.) and so." She say.

"Nope." Sarah says.

Time skip
Steve pov
"Hey mom, dad I'm home." Sarah says as she walks in the door.

"How was school." Natasha says from the living room reading a book.

"It was good, have you heard anything from aunt Annabeth." She say

"No whyy." Nat and I say at the same time.

Sarahs pov
"So I will go in the door and he will ask how my dad was, I will say it was good then, I ask if he has heard from you. While he is confused I will text the word super demigod the you both walk in" She says
Flashback over

Then the front door opens and there stand Annabeth and so boy hands interlock together tight like if they let go one might disappear.

"Ann... Ann... ANNABETH." Natasha and I yell at the same time.

She jumps from the loud noise and the guy pulls out a pen 🖊. A PEN. He then clicks the pen then it turns into a.... SWORD 🗡. He then takes a fighting stance in front of her.

"Percy calm down. I'm ok. Look at me, I'm ok" Annabeth says. That calms him down a little and he turns his sword into a pen again.

Good I didn't want to have to use my shield 🛡.

"Annabeth." The guys says quietly. Taking her in his arms.

Saddenly Natasha got a gun to his head and Annabeth behind her. I'm still confused how is she still alive.

"Give me the pen boy" my wife says.

Suddenly Annabeth flips my wife to the ground and then suddenly I have my arm to her throat.

"Don't ever lay a hand on my wife." I says


We all do as she says. Annabeth falls to the ground and Percy rushes over to her.

"Are you ok" he whispered. So low that I need to use my super hearing.

She nods yes and trying to get her breath back.

"Now that everyone isn't trying to kill someone. The one against the wall is Annabeth as you guess and the one next to her is Percy Jackson her boyfriend." Sarah explains.

Annabeth pov
I was trying to get my breath back and it was hard to when I was slammed into a wall.

"Let me explain why Percy pulled Riptide" I say

"Annabeth how." Steve asks

"I will explain after this. Percy and I went through hell and back literally and when you yelled he thought were back in tartarus. The reason I'm alive is because hades give me more time with Percy." I explained leaning into Percy's cheats. My back to it.

So that's my life story

There is going to be a part iii

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