
98 2 0

I got tagged by ToothlessRider404 thank

1. What's my full name
Not going to say

2. What's my hobby's
Reading, writing and listing to musicians

3. What's my favorite song
I don't really have one

4. My lock screen

 My lock screen

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5. Do I have any big dreams
Not really

6. Did I sleep well last night

7. How many friends do I have. (Does that count on Wattpad)
ToothlessRider404 Alisha_and_Sora Emo_Music_Trash MorganFarris VirusVGames and I have a lot more but they don't have Wattpad

8. Do you like math

9. What's my favorite subject
Don't have one

10. Where am I from
China but I was adopted at 2 and I live in Missouri since then

11. Do I like sports
Fishing, swimming, archery,

12. Am I healthy
In my way no

13. How much do I cost
Idk ask my friends and see what they say

14. Do I have any singer
Imagine dragons, why don't we

15. Do you have any siblings (does having really close friends count)
Yes? I am a triplet remember

16. Can I draw
No but I have some friends who can

17. How many lesson do you have on Monday
For school 7

18. Do I have a crush no

19. Single or taken

20. If I had a chance to take home on of my idols who would it be.
Sprouce Hart


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